Today: Ionic Equilibria Wrap- up Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology
Next Up: DNA Technology What’s interesting, exciting, frightening? Capture your thoughts: Question 1
DNA Tools: Restriction Enzymes What do Restriction Enzymes do? Where do they cut (and why)??
DNA Tools: Restriction Enzymes
DNA Tools: Gel Electorphoresis You Try! Question 2
DNA Tools: Southern Blots You Try! Question 3
DNA Tools: Western and Northern Blots What can a Northern or Western Blot tell us that a Southern can’t?? You Try: Question 4
DNA Tools: Fingerprints DNA Fingerprints can be made from highly variable regions (polymorphisms). Two are commonly used: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Short Tandem Repeats (STRs)
DNA Tools: Fingerprints You Try! Question 5
DNA Tools: Barcodes?!?
Building Recombinant DNA
DNA Tools: Vectors Good Vectors: Replicate Independently Provide Recognition Sequences for Restriction Enzymes Include a Reporter Gene Are Small
Where do you get DNA to Clone?? DNA (Gene) Libraries? Are all these clones useful to you?
How Could You Get a Library of Expressed, Edited Genes?!?
DNA Tools: Knock-Outs
DNA Tools: Antisense RNA
DNA Tools: Micro-arrays Let’s watch!
Applications: Medically Useful Proteins
Applications: Medically Useful Proteins
Applications: Pharming Webster and Pete; Photo BBC
Applications: Agriculture
Applications: Creating Life?! Let’s Watch! Capture your thoughts! Question 6