Our Students Go Abroad from their Campus Seats! Nadine Russell, Director of Global Learning Catalina Ramírez, eLearning Instructional Developer
“As big as a planet, as small as a village post office.” Herbert Marshall McLuhan, CC (July 21, 1911 December 31, 1980) was a Canadian educator, philosopher, and scholar —a communication theorist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpDZqle4UPw
Why Global-Virtual? Understanding the Initiative- We live in an interconnected world. Student exposure sometimes limited to T.V. and social media. Globalization goes beyond personal social networks and Central Avenue. 1 in 30 students study abroad (ECU) We ALL are part of this global society.
Global Learning Virtual Goal- Facilitate global experiences to CPCC students in Charlotte without them having to travel abroad.
Global-Virtual Outcomes- Facilitate collaboration with students from other countries. Participate in dialogues about the same subject from different cultural perspectives. Open understanding to different global realities. Support the CORE4 competencies, Critical Thinking and Communication
Current Global Project Partner Institution- Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa –Perú
Current Global Project CPCC Faculty & Staff- Andreina Nadine Gary Catalina Diana Nadine Russell Global Learning Director Catalina Ramírez eLearning Instructional Developer Gary Ritter Exec Director, Learning Technology Services Diana Mibelli Spanish Instructor Andreina Riera
Global-Virtual Meetings Global connections are from one point (CPCC -LT1140) to one point (foreign institution’s classroom). Three or more connections per semester. Instructors identify topics and activities linking existing course outcomes with GLV outcomes. Students interact simultaneously as group with the other institution’s group of students. Instructors facilitate students collaboration.
Partnership with UCSP
Partnership with UCSP Students express verbally -in the second language, their opinions from different cultural perspectives. Students are able to demonstrate their knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary learned in Spanish 111 and 112. Students have an opportunity to practice two of the CORE4 competencies, Critical Thinking and Communication.
Your students can travel abroad CPCC Global Learning-Virtual Expanding! Every Division and Program is invited! Contact: Nadine.Russell@cpcc.edu Catalina.Ramirez@cpcc.edu Your students can travel abroad from their CPCC desks!