The Changing Economic World Paper 2 This paper also includes Challenges of an Urban World and Resources.
How do we measure development? Use the back of the atlas write down the different measures of development. Which are most effective? What is HDI?
Demographic Transition Model WHAT DOES IT SHOW? Is it effective? Demographic Transition Model These are different ways are looking at a countries development over time.
Causes of uneven development: physical, economic and historical. Consequences of uneven development: disparities in wealth and health, international migration.
Development in UK Textiles! Economic futures in the UK: Causes of economic change: de-industrialisation and decline of traditional industrial base, globalisation and government policies Textiles! Moving towards a post-industrial economy: development of information technology, service industries, finance, research, science and business parks plymouth-city-councils-community-park-initiative/ Impacts of industry on the physical environment. An example of how modern industrial development can be more environmentally sustainable: The biodiversity achievements Plymouth Science Park has a green roof, supporting wildlife by providing micro-climates for insects and birds - as well as adding thermal properties to the building and reducing surface run-off of rainfall. Government pulled funding on these industries so they went elsewhere.
Social and economic changes in the rural landscape in one area of population growth and one area of population decline . Cornwall St Austell Growth The announcement of £79m of government funding towards a new link road between the recently-improved A30 and St Austell is great news for the economy of the town. Charlestown, near St Austell has long been a favourite of location managers and, in the making of Poldark, Wander along the harbour with its fleet of square riggers and you are transported back to the 1700s. T’Gallants, a Grade II-listed, seven-bedroom Georgian house overlooking the harbour, is for sale with Stags for £830,000! Bodmin Moor Decline. Rural depopulation tends to now be confined to the most isolated rural areas, this results in the following problems: An ageing population; A decline in services; Rural poverty and Isolation.
North South Divide Regional Differences.
Improvements and new developments in road and rail infrastructure, port and airport capacity
Heathrow 3rd Runway. Pros and cons. Could easily be asked to assess strategies to reduce regional differences. Or about sustainable post industrial economy!!