WRAP Regional Haze Progress Report & 2007-08 FEJF Projects/Budget Fire Emissions Joint Forum Meeting San Diego, CA February 22-23, 2007
Progress Report from 10/06 FEJF Meeting Across all Forums and Workgroups, continuing assessment of current and planned projects to determine if needs of States are met toward: Completing Regional Haze plans due 12/07; and Supporting initial implementation in 2008. Completed combination of Modeling Forum, Ambient Monitoring Forum, & Attribution of Haze WG activities into the Technical Analysis Forum (done 1/07) For most Forums/WGs - move to less frequent in-person meetings (2/year), supplemented with conference calls
FEJF Pending Projects Budget September 2006 Status Report – Project Name 2007 2008 Fire Tracking System Funded, online mid-2007, part of TSS 106,000 placeholder Future Smoke Mgmt Technical and Policy Workshop / May 2006 Carbon/Fire/Dust Workshop 21,000 Section 308 Strategies for Fire 60,000 placeholder
Fire Emissions Tracking System (FETS) Current FETS subcontract to Air Sciences through CIRA TSS contract covers TSS operations as well as FETS development and operations through 2007. For 2008, propose combining TSS/FETS operations into a line under the Technical Analysis Forum at $165K - roughly 150K for CIRA and 15K for Air Sciences Put $106K placeholder from the FEJF budget went back into the larger WRAP budget. Exactly how much is “needed" for 2008 FETS operations is not clear now, until there is an FETS to operate.
Proposed Smoke Management Tech / Policy Workshop Some $ from this line had been used to pay Dave to prepare for/participate in the Sacramento May 2006 workshop. Propose taking the remaining $21K and added $4K back to total $25K (WGA limit on non-compete/sole source contracts) Propose naming the new project FEJF TWIST (Technical WRAP-Up and Implementation Support Team) Project purpose (for discussion later today): Summarize fire technical issues in a memo from the FEJF to be completed Spring 2007 (addressing plume rise, 2018 modeling suites, etc.) Prepare a briefing paper on "Fire EIs Lessons Learned" on behalf of FEJF for distribution in mid July 2007 Prepare for and participate in the mid-September 2007 "Regional Haze EIs - Lessons Learned" workshop.
Proposed §308 Strategies for Fire Project Propose project not needed, possibly need a smaller effort to summarize FEJF policy issues/tools for haze planning To be discussed tomorrow morning For the time being, moved this $60K placeholder back into the larger WRAP budget.
Proposed FEJF 2007-08 Projects May want to consider small project to summarize “FEJF policy issues/tools for haze planning” – needs to be complete May 2007