Cyclic movement Journeys that begin at our home base and bring us back to that home base ACTIVITY SPACE Movement from and back to the home base Seasonal Movement – form of cyclic movement Snowbirds Nomadism – cyclic movements based on need for food and water
PERIODIC MOVEMENT Involves a return home but a longer period away from the home base MIGRANT LABOR – those who seek employment in far off places without an intention of remaining in the area of the work TRANSHUMANCE – pastoral farming that moves according to the seasonal availability of pastures MILITARY SERVICE
MIGRATION Internal Migration International Migration Urbanization Suburbanization Counterurbanization International Migration Step Migration Intervening Opportunity Chain Migration
Internal migration and the united states
Internal Migration and the United States
Localized migration
Urbanization Migration in the period following the Industrial Revolution during which many left rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs. 1800s in MDCs Modern Times in LDCs
Suburbanization MDCs and modern times twice as many Americans migrated from the central cities to suburbs each year than migrate from the suburb to the central cities Issue of lifestyle choices… Which lifestyle choices?
Counterurbanization Net migration from urban to rural areas in more developed areas. Very rapid expansion of suburbs URBAN SPRAWL Why is this occurring in modern times?
International Migration
Step migration Migration does not occur in long and unbroken routes as they appear on a map. Occurs in a series of stages due to intervening opportunities (obstacles)
INTERVENING OPPORTUNITY the presence of a nearer opportunity that greatly diminishes the attractiveness of sites farther away
Chain migration Pattern of migration that develops when migrants move along and through KINSHIP LINKS One migrants settles in a place and then writes, calls, or communicates through others to describe this place to family and friends who in turn migrate there