Measurements from Viktor Mechanics from Richard Model from Fabian 4 mirror cavity tests Measurements from Viktor Mechanics from Richard Model from Fabian S shape mode in strong focused regime
1’’ mirror setup
Geometry for calculations P2 S1 P1 S2 70 500 8,05° 9,6° 12,5° 11,9° 15,2° Angle entre le plan S1, S2, P1 et le plan horizontal = 50.383°
Waist in cavity : 65µm ; 72µm Orientation of ellipse intensity Beam radii 300mm 2’’ lens Cavity mirror ~good qualitative description of data (cavity not locked …)
CCD aperture too small… Same but for more focused geometry CCD aperture too small… Paraxial limitation ? Waist in cavity : 50µm ; 65µm
2’’ mirror setup Now, we use a metrology YAG cw laser beam Does the S shape of the modes comes from mirror edges diffraction ? Answer : no (No picture because Viktor is ill since 5 days …) Effect of the ATF beam pipe 5mm slit Non paraxial model is a challenge investigation with E. Cormier
Tests of the effects of the 5mm beam pipe slit To do next