New Nations Emerge By Chief Excell
New Nations of Southeast Asia: Mainland Contrasts Malaysia Prospers: Market Economy Profitable Industries of Rubber and Electronics Formed in 1950 Diverse Population with Equal Distribution of Wealth Myanmar Suffers: British Colony of Burma (1948) = renamed Myanmar in 1989 Ethnic Tensions plagued country Burmans dominate ethnic group Military Government with limited Foreign Trade and low standards of living Elections held in 1990 and anti-military group won election Military rebelled thus jailing, killing, or exiling their opponents.
Southeast Asia: Indonesia’s Size Poses Challenge Declared Independence from Dutch in 1949 Includes more than 13,000 Islands 90% of Indonesians are Muslim; Christians, Buddhists, and Hindu are minorities Democracy Falters: began as a parliamentary government under Sukarno 1965, Army Officers attempted to seize power but was blocked by Army Officer who then took power for himself in 1966 Army Officer Suharto accused Communists of attempted coup… Communists KILLED Suharto becomes Dictator for over 30 years Rioters protested corrupt government and forces Suharto out
Southeast Asia: Indonesia’s Size Poses Challenge East Timor Fights for Freedom: Indonesia seized East Timor… East Timor won independence in 2002 Ethnic Conflicts and Natural Disasters: Ethnic Conflicts: Moluccas (East Islanders) Fighting between Christians and Muslims Discrimination of Chinese on Island of Java Rebels on Papua< New Guinea Natural Disasters: 2004: Earthquake caused a Tsunami = over 100,000 dead Other Tsunamis ravaged Sri Lanka and Thailand
Southeast Asia: The Philippines Seeks Democracy Diversity Ethnic Groups Catholics predominate religious group Originally American Colony but gained independence in 1946 Marcos Becomes a Dictator: Wealth elite controlled politics and economy Majority poor peasants Ferdinand Marcos elected president in 1956, abandoned democracy Had popular rival murdered
Southeast Asia: The Philippines Seeks Democracy Filipinos Demand Democracy: Corazon Aquino elected in 1986 Marcos tried to deny election, “people power revolution” occurred Aquino had fragile democracy, Joseph Estrada took power Estrada= corruption Unrest grew in crowded slum neighborhoods Clashes With Rebels Drag on: Rebels were Guerrillas trying to use international terrorism U.S. Aided Filipino gov’t in its fight against the rebels
African Nations Gain Independence: Africa’s Colonies Gain Independence A Geographically Diverse Continent: 2nd largest continent Tropical Rainforests, Savannahs (Grasslands), Deserts Populations concentrated in fertile areas Growth of Cities in fertile areas Minerals: Gold Ore, Copper Ore, Diamonds Resources: Valuable Cash Crops (Cacao & Coffee) & Large Petroleum Reserves Colonies Demand Independence: Political Leaders: Nkrumah, Kenyatta, and Senghor led movement for independence Political Pressure was enough sometimes, other times struggles for independence got violent
African Nations Gain Independence: Africans Build New Nations Confronting Ethnic Divisions: European countries drew boundaries without regard for different ethnic groups of those areas Loyalty lied with ethnic group NOT new national government Dictators Seize Power: Established on—party political systems that turned into dictatorships Dictators used their positions to gain riches for themselves and a few privileged peeps Bad gov’t policies led to civil unrest, military often seized power Coup D’etat: the forcible overthrow of a government Military leaders promised to give power back to the people once they had settled the violence… often times only gave up power when they were over thrown.
African Nations Gain Independence: Africans Build New Nations Moving Toward Democracy: Demands for Democracy and loans given by Western Banks increased pressures on governments Legalized opposition parties and freedom of speech Foreigners Jostle for Influence: Colonial powers maintained control in business forcing New Nations to remain dependent on former colonizers During Cold War, U.S. backed Somalia and USSR backed Ethiopia… important because they had access to the Red Sea (vital shipping route connecting Asia, Europe, and Africa)
The Stories of Five African Nations: Ghana Originally a British Colony 1940, Nkrumah organized movement for independence 1957, renamed Ghana won independence Socialism and Nationalized (placed businesses under gov’t control) Built massive dam for electric power Left Ghana in massive debt Government became corrupt and was overthrown in 1966 1981: Military Coup led by Rawlings Took steps to strengthen economy (overseas sales of Cacao and Gold) Restored Democracy to Ghana Won Free election in 1992, lost election of 2001 but peacefully handed over control
The Stories of Five African Nations: Kenya Freedom only after Armed Struggle Fertile Land taken over by white settlers and suppressed Kikuyu (natives) Kenyatta demanded land back from white settlers advocated nonviolent methods In 1950s, Radicals turned guerrilla (Called Radicals “Mau Mau”) Burned farms attacked settlers British arrested Kenyatta and killed thousands of Kikuyu Kenyatta’s imprisonment made him a national hero 1963, Kenyatta became first leader of independent Kenya As President, Kenyatta: Jailed opponents Outlawed oppression Resisted free elections until violent demonstrations and foreign lenders pushed it toward democracy First Free Election held in 2002
The Stories of Five African Nations: Algeria Colony of France Determined to stop independence of Algeria Algerian Nationalists set up National Liberation Front Group turned to Guerilla Warfare to gain independence 1950s: France had just lost territory of Vietnam and found oil and Natural Gas resources in Algeria War Raged 1962: Public opinion changed and Algeria gained its independence from France Military Coup in 1965 formed a command economy 1980s returned to a market economy 1992: Allowed Free elections where Islamic party Won Military rejected election results and started a civil war in Algeria… has not stopped... Just settled for the time being
The Stories of Five African Nations: Democratic Republic of the Congo Formerly Belgian Colony Rainforests and Savannah Valuable natural resources of Diamonds and Cooper Belgium wanted to maintain control of the natural resources 1960: A rush to declare independence left Congolese not prepared to self- govern… thus allowing Belgium to remain in control USSR backed Lumumba (Prime Minister of Congo) United States backed Col. Mobutu Mobutu captured Lumumba and executed him Mobutu ruled Congo as a military dictator (harsh and corrupt) 1997: Mobutu driven to exile leading to a 6 year Civil War ending in 2003 Country still remains divided
The Stories of Five African Nations: Nigeria British Colony Largest population in Africa Diverse Land and ethnic groups Ibo Christians & Yoruba = South Muslim Hausa = North Won independence from Britain in 1960 Regional, Ethnic, and Religious difference lead to conflict 1966, Military Coup… led to 3-year Civil War… military won 1970s and 1980s: violent military rulers suppressed opposition and diverted rich oil earnings to themselves 1999: Free Elections Led to increased crime Continued ethnic and religious division