Improving digital skills for career guidance at school MY FUTURE Improving digital skills for career guidance at school
My Future Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic Partnerships for school education 24 months (01/10/2016 – 30/09/2018) Budget: € 297.000,00. Project Code: 2016-1-IT02-KA201-024241 Improving digital skills for career guidance at school This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
My Future Assumptions Career guidance should be based on the cooperation among several providers (locally, nationally, internationally) and on the integration of several resources (traditional ones, but, over all, innovative and digital ones, mostly already available on the web). Cooperation among several providers should have a direct impact on improving the quality of career guidance provision at school, within local contexts, and it will also foster the role of local institutions and HEI in this field.
Improving digital skills for career guidance at school INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT FACTORS Using and sharing digital resources Improving digital skills for career guidance at school Cooperation between schools and local institutions Improving the quality of guidance services MY FUTURE Project
My Future The quality of career guidance: qualification of staff tools and resources available for students and teachers the capacity of schools to establish and empower the relationships with the "real word" through the cooperation with other local career guidance services and regional and international networks in this field, with the higher education systems and with the employers (also through the Public Employment Services). What is «quality» for the project ?
My Future share and spread the European concept and framework of Career Management Skills, as transversal key competences for managing lifelong study and work transitions; identify and develop innovative teaching and learning approaches, methods and ICT resources that effectively support the development of Career Guidance activities at school; develop assessment and evaluation methods and practices that improve the quality of Career Guidance at school, involving the local career guidance systems and the main stakeholders; The main aims
My Future "map" the local career guidance services and resources, to promote a more effective cooperation and integration in this field, to ensure best opportunities and suitable career guidance resources to all students; identify skills and develop training paths in this field, transferable at European level, for teachers and school counsellors; provide coherent and "user friendly" tools and learning materials for students, teachers and school counsellors, in 4 languages. The main aims
My Future The project aims Main areas of improvement: the methodological framework the key skills of practitioners the information resources and the guidance tools based on ICT.
My Future The methodology Participatory Action Research in the filed of career guidance for improving quality and cooperation at local level. Working groups at local level, involving 80 schools and the main actors of career guidance systems. At least 240 teachers, practitioners and researchers in international working groups with colleagues from other local working groups abroad. The MYFUTURE web platform, for cooperative learning. The methodology
My Future The target 10 schools in Camerino (IT) 5 schools in Ancona and 5 in Pesaro (IT) 10 schools in Siena (IT) 10 schools in Derbyshire (UK) 10 schools in Herfortshire (UK) 10 schools in Denmark (DK) 10 schools in Malta (MT) 10 schools in Bucharest (RO) My Future The target
My Future Beneficiaries at least 240 teachers and guidance practitioners involved in the training paths and within the development and testing of the career guidance models and tools at least 400 students directly involved within 5 pilot actions for testing the models and the tools. at least 500 teachers and guidance practitioners andinvolved in the exploitation of the project results (MYFUTURE web portal and relatd devices). A shared database of all participants will be created through attendance sheets of events and through the registrations within the e-learning platform and other web resources. My Future Beneficiaries
A new idea of a web portal
International meetings Derby (15-16-17 Feb. 2017) - Kick off meeting. On line platform structure and participatory action research agenda. Malta (06-07-08 November 2017) – working group on pilot action structure and implementation at local level Copehagen (10-11-12 April 2018) – Testing and validation of tools and model. Evidences from the pilot actions. Ancona (September 2018) –Final Conference. International meetings
1- MY FUTURE - Improving career education and guidance at school 1- MY FUTURE - Improving career education and guidance at school. Guidelines for teachers. University of Derby 2- MYFUTURE - Web portal for career guidance. Centro Studi PLURIVERSUM 3- Q-GUIDANCE - Proposal for a Quality framework for career guidance resources. University of Malta 4-MYFUTURE - Web map device. Regione Marche 5- MYFUTURE – App. Hertfordshire County Council 6- MYFUTURE - E-learning platform for teachers and practitioners . University of Camerino Intellectual outputs
Multipliers Events Meeting n. 2 – Malta O1-Guidelines for teachers September 2017 University of Malta This event will be organised as national conference for presenting and sharing 2 intellectual outputs of the project: the guidelines for teachers and the proposal for a quality framework for career guidance. The event will be held in La Valletta (Malta), by the University of Malta, in September 2017 (1 working day). The participation of at least 30 national and regional stakeholders. Multipliers Events Meeting n. 3 – Copenhagen O2 - MYFUTURE Web portal for career guidance O4 - MYFUTURE Web map device April 2018 Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning Lillebaelt This event will be held in CopehagenApril 2018 (1 working day). The international working groups and local guidance practitioners, experts and teachers will attend the event and will give feedbacks on products and models. Meeting n. 4 – O6 - MYFUTURE E-learning platform September 2018 University of Camerino In particular, the conference will present the MYFUTURE platform (with career guidance resources and training pathways for practitioners) and the App for tablets and smartphones. Expected number of participants: at least 60.
UNIVERSITY of CAMERINO Meeting n. 4 – Camerino O6 - MYFUTURE E-learning platform September 2018 UNIVERSITY of CAMERINO Groups of participants will be pinpointed and involved in the international training: each partner will select at least 3 participants, that will attend the international training paths, through open calls, also using the project web site and the web sites of all partners. The training pathway includes working groups, workshops and visits. Training activities The consortium will organize this training activity within the framework of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and within the Europass system of certification. At national level, each sending organization will also provide the validation of learning outcomes within the national systems of qualifications and education. Also international and national professional associations and bodies in the field of career guidance will be involved for the validation and recognition of key skills and training pathways for teachers and practitioners.