3 Quick Facts about Me and My Company [use up to 6 words per bullet] [use up to 6 bullets per slide] [What is your role?] [What does your company/organization do?] [What software and hosting environment (on-premises, etc.) are you going to talk about?]
The Challenge and Why It Matters [Be brief…move quickly to the next sections] [What is the opportunity or challenge – technical or business – that your audience will care about?] [Why does this challenge matter enough to do something about it – business or technical implications?] [split this slide if you have too many words or bullets]
[What, Why, or How-Overview] [on this overview slide, list three topics or kinds of how-to action that you will expand upon in the slides that follow] [one] [two] [three]
[Topic or Kind of Action] [What, why, or how] [While this 3-topc structure is intentionally simple to make it easy to follow, it is not meant to be superficial. Add as many slides of details as you need.]
[Topic or Kind of Action] [What, why, or how] [Any unexpected obstacles and what we did about them]
[Topic or Kind of Action] [What, why, or how]
Three Top Takeaways [on this section-intro slide, list three kinds of results or lessons learned that you will expand upon in the slides that follow] [one] [two] [three]
[Takeaway One] [Result or lesson] [lead with results where feasible to answer “Why care?”] [Go as deep as you need to explain and pursuade]
[Takeaway Two] [Lesson/recommendation]
[Takeaway Three] [Lesson/recommendation]
For Further Information [Your Name] [Your conference messaging or email contact information]