ONAP Service Assurance VES Spec 7 ONAP Service Assurance VES Spec 7.O Alok Gupta +1 (732)-420-7007 ag1367@att.com Date: July 27th, 2018
VES (NF Event Streaming) Specification 7.0 Changes We are replacing VES 6.0 Specs with VES 7.0 (VES 6.0 will not be supported) incorporating corrections reported by various teams. The reason for moving to major release is change in format for version numbers from number to string (as suggested by RTPM team: conversion from binary may change the content), correcting format for timezone offset to use UTC +- hh:mm (from number to string), and addition of vesCommonEventListnerVersion indicating the current requirements. Summary of changes: VES Event Listener Changes General: Fixed typos throughout Changed example versions to v7 Section1: Clarified casing and use of dashes versus colons in eventName examples Updated all field block versions Section 2: added a note clarifying that TLS 1.2 or higher must be used for HTTPS connections. Section 4: embedded schema changed to v30: Added “ ‘additionalProperties’: false ” to objects to reject events that attempt to send properties that are not listed in the ‘properties’ keyword. Note: does not affect hashmap extensible fields. Changed all versions in all field blocks from number to string enum with the version number fixed by the enum so the schema can validate events that attempt to send non-standard field blocks. Changed syslog additionalFields to a hashMap Current Different interfaces and formats requiring customization (3 to 6 months development) Defined by vendors Varies by network functions and software releases Future Common predictable, flexible, reusable event format for all VFs => Closed Loop Automation Defined by AT&T based on conformance to standards Vendor agnostic and Configurable © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. .
VES (NF Event Streaming) Specification 7.0 Changes Section 4: Fixed section heading numbers that were the same. 4.1.1: jsonObjectInstance: added an optional recursive jsonObject and removed all required fields from this object 4.1.2: commonEventHeader: nfVendorName: added this optional field timeZoneOffset: changed from number to string with a particular format specified version was changed from number to string (as were all the version fields of all the field blocks) vesCommonEventListenerVersion: added this required field as a string enumeration 4.2.3: Measurements Domain: Added a note clarifying that NFs are required to report exactly one Measurement event per period per sourceName diskUsage: added four new optional fields: diskWeightedIoTimeAve, diskWeightedIoTimeLast, diskWeightedIoTimeMax, diskWeightedIoTimeMin memoryUsage: add one new optional field: percentMemoryUsage nicPerformance: added nine new optional fields: administrativeState, operationalState, receivedPercentDiscard, receivedPercentError, receivedUtilization, speed, transmittedPercentDiscard, transmittedPercentError, transmittedUtilization processorDimmAggregateThermalMargin: make the thermalMargin field required 4.2.8: Syslog Domain: VES Event Registration Changes Removed the isHomogeneous keyword. Modified the types of aggregationRoles. Clarified castTo Added comment keyword Current Different interfaces and formats requiring customization (3 to 6 months development) Defined by vendors Varies by network functions and software releases Future Common predictable, flexible, reusable event format for all VFs => Closed Loop Automation Defined by AT&T based on conformance to standards Vendor agnostic and Configurable © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. .
VES (NF Event Streaming) Specification 6.0 Changes Section 1 VES Meaning: Expanded to include event streaming for VNF, PNF and Infrastructure eventNames Construction: {DomainAbbreviation}_{PublisherName}_{Description} Added a list of all the latest field block version numbers in this version of the API spec. Section 3 Removed Throttling requirements. App-C or controller need to support throttling. Section 4 hashMaps. Changed all name-value pair structures to hashMaps Name= “name”’ value =“value” => “name” = “Value” Use of Optional fields: If the event publisher collects a field that is identified as optional in the data structures below, then the event publisher must send that field. Extensible Filed Use Clarification: VES contains various extensible structures (e.g., hashMap) that enable event publishers to send information that has not been explicitly defined in VES data structures. Event publishers must not send information through extensible structures where VES has explicitly defined fields for that information. For example, event publishers must not send information like cpuIdle, through an extensible structure, because VES has explicitly defined a cpuUsage.cpuIdle field for the communication of that information. Keys sent through extensible fields must use camel casing to separate words and acronyms; only the first letter of each acronym shall be capitalized. Current Different interfaces and formats requiring customization (3 to 6 months development) Defined by vendors Varies by network functions and software releases Future Common predictable, flexible, reusable event format for all VFs => Closed Loop Automation Defined by AT&T based on conformance to standards Vendor agnostic and Configurable © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. .
VES (NF Event Streaming) Specification 6.0 Changes Section 4 – Contd Common Event Data Types: Changed vendorVnfNameFields to vendorNfNameFields in SipSignaling and Voice Quality Domains Common Event Header clarified the following descriptions: eventId: Event key that is unique to the event source. The key must be unique within notification life cycle similar to EventID from 3GPP. It could be a sequential number, or a composite key formed from the event fields, such as sourceName_alarmCondition_startEpoch. The eventId should not include whitespace. For fault events, eventId is the eventId of the initial alarm; if the same alarm is raised again for changed, acknowledged or cleared cases, eventId must be the same as the initial alarm (along with the same startEpochMicrosec and an incremental sequence number). reportingEntityName: Name of the entity reporting the event or detecting a problem in another vnf/vm or pnf which is experiencing the problem. May be the same as the sourceName. For synthetic events generated by DCAE, it is the name of the app generating the event. sourceName: Name of the entity experiencing the event issue, which may be detected and reported by a separate reporting entity. The sourceName identifies the device for which data is collected. A valid sourceName must be inventoried in A&AI. If sourceName is a VNFC or VM, then the event must be reporting data for that particular VNFC or VM. If the sourceName is a VNF, comprised of multiple VNFCs, the data must be reported/aggregated at the VNF leveI. Data for individual VNFC must not be included in the VNF sourceName event. startEpochMicroseconds: the earliest unix time aka epoch time associated with the event from any component--as microseconds elapsed since 1 Jan 1970 not including leap seconds. For measurements and heartbeats, where events are collected over predefined intervals, startEpochMicrosec shall be rounded to the nearest interval boundary (e.g., the epoch equivalent of 3:00PM, 3:10PM, 3:20PM, etc…). For fault events, startEpochMicrosec is the timestamp of the initial alarm; if the same alarm is raised again for changed, acknowledged or cleared cases, startEpoch Microsec must be the same as the initial alarm (along with the same eventId and an incremental sequence number). added ‘notification and pnfRegistrion domains Fault Domain Section 4.2.1: clarified the definitions of alarmCondition and specificProblem Current Different interfaces and formats requiring customization (3 to 6 months development) Defined by vendors Varies by network functions and software releases Future Common predictable, flexible, reusable event format for all VFs => Closed Loop Automation Defined by AT&T based on conformance to standards Vendor agnostic and Configurable © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. .
VES (NF Event Streaming) Specification 6.0 Changes Section 4 – Contd Fault Domain: clarified the following definitions alarmCondition: Short name of the alarm condition/problem, such as a trap name. Should not have white space (e.g., tpLgCgiNotInConfig, BfdSessionDown, linkDown, etc…) specificProblem: Description of the alarm or problem (e.g., ‘This event is sent when the LG is asked to perform a location for a CGI that is not in its configuration’) Measurements Domain: changed the name of this domain from ‘measurementsForVfScaling’ to ‘measurement’ Measurement Domain: Updates following fileds: cpuUsage, diskUsage, memoryUsage, vNicPerformance to nicPerformance and added load Array, hugePagesArray, Add Notification and pnfRegistrion domains Syslog Domain: Added two new fields: syslogMsgHost and syslogTs. Clarified field descriptions. Clarified syslogSData example. Section 6: specified message size limit of 2 Meg Current Different interfaces and formats requiring customization (3 to 6 months development) Defined by vendors Varies by network functions and software releases Future Common predictable, flexible, reusable event format for all VFs => Closed Loop Automation Defined by AT&T based on conformance to standards Vendor agnostic and Configurable © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. .
VES Event Registration Specification 2.0 Changes Updated examples to align with VES Event Listener 6.0 Clarified Action keyword Modified the rules example to conform to the Complex Conditions and Rules sections. Current Different interfaces and formats requiring customization (3 to 6 months development) Defined by vendors Varies by network functions and software releases Future Common predictable, flexible, reusable event format for all VFs => Closed Loop Automation Defined by AT&T based on conformance to standards Vendor agnostic and Configurable © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. .
Requirements Files VES Listener Requirements 7.0 VES JSON Schema 30.0 VES Event Registration 3.0 VES Excel 30.0 © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. .