El abrecerebros 8/9/15 Papeles – 1 Día/Fecha - 6 Answer the following: Create one combination of each: More…Than, Less…Than, y As…As (¡en español!) ¿Qué es un “cognate”? Give examples of tres correct cognates. Give examples of tres cognates falsos. Éxito ¿Cuál es un muy useful website for translations? Describa Don Quijote en tres adjetivos. (p. 30) Describa Sancho Panza en tres adjetivos. (p. 30) ¿Quién wrote el libro, Don Quijote de la Mancha? (p. 30) 1. Create one combination of each: More…Than, Less…Than, y As…As (¡en español!) 2. ¿Qué es un “cognate”? 3. Give examples of tres correct cognates. 4. Give examples of tres cognates falsos. Éxito 5. ¿Cuál es un muy useful website for translations? 6. Describa Don Quijote en tres adjetivos. (p. 30) 7. Describa Sancho Panza en tres adjetivos. (p. 30) 8. ¿Quién wrote el libro, Don Quijote de la Mancha? (p. 30)
OTRO abrecerebros I You He She I am You are She is He is I am from DO ALOUD I You He She I am You are She is He is I am from You are from He is from She is from
El objetivo del día I can explain the difference between masculine and feminine with regard to nouns & adjetivos. I can ask or tell who someone is using several questions and several adjectives. I can correctly use the three-learned tenses of the verb SER (I am, you are, he/she is). I can correctly use singular articles. I can correctly do the noun+adjective combination that they use en español. I can create Spanish character (e.g. á, ¿, ú, ñ) using a keyboard and word processor. I can correctly use phrases saying “as … as,” “more … than,” and “less … than.” I can explain what a “cognate” is and give several examples of both correct and incorrect cognates. I can describe the great Spanish work Don Quijote and give an overview of it.
Repaso de Don Quixote Un poco de El Quijote (p. 30)
El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha ) (1605, 1615) Por: Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote Plot summary: “The title character, Quijote, a middle-aged gentleman from the La Mancha region of Spain, becomes enchanted with the idea of chivalry and decides to seek adventure. Eventually, he is accompanied by a sidekick, Sancho Panza. With a dilapidated horse and equipment, together they seek glory, adventure, often in the honor of Dulcinea, Quijote's love. Quijote doesn't always act honorably, however, and neither do many of the other minor characters in the novel. Eventually Quijote is brought down to reality and dies shortly thereafter.” Source: About.com
Un video Video Is the end of the cartoon accurate? ¿Por qué no?
DON QUIXOTE Search “Don Quixote” or “El Quijote” in Google Images. Of the first 15 imagenes, how many have windmills? (enero, febrero, marzo, abril) Using a search engine, find out where “Don Quixote” is ranked in terms of world’s most read literature. (mayo, junio, julio) Find out the definition and synonyms of the word “quixotic” and explain how this related to the character of Don Quixote. (agosto, septiembre) Search “La Mancha” in Google Images and describe the imagenes, the landscape/terrain, etc. (octubre, noviembre, diciembre)
DON QUIXOTE In a well-known scene, Don Quixote attempts to fight windmills. In nearly every list, it’s in the top 15 in popularity. At one point in historia, it was 2nd, after only the Bible. Idealistic, unrealistic, etc. “Fantasy.” La Mancha is from an Arabic word Al-mansha meaning “dry land.”
Google.com “Don Quixote university course” (odd números) “Don Quixote …” Psychological State/Mental Disorder (even números)
****BONUS ¡Para la curva! ½ cada respuesta correcta
Bonus Actividades Other Bonus Actividades en clase website (under la fecha de hoy) DON QUIXOTE LIBRO – ¿Translate for BONUS? LINK TO PPT
Tarea #5 (20 pts.)
Binder Check #3 (23 pts.) The back of the handout “Los Artículos” has been completed… ? LINK