Defend or Refute This Statement Topic: Assessing the goals of the “Big Three” during World War II: Diplomacy and the War Conferences Do Now: “Britain, America, and the USSR were united by a common enemy. However, despite this, the allies could agree on little else. It was a miracle that these squabbling nations could win anything, let alone a World War” Defend or Refute This Statement
America and Britain 1940: America aids Britain 1941: Atlantic Charter Destroyers for Bases Deal Lend-Lease Act 1941: Atlantic Charter December 1941- Pearl Harbor FDR and Winston Churchill Agree on “Germany first” strategy
“The Big Three” Each of the “3” have their own goals and issues Distrust, ambition, “idealism”? FDR wants to “win Stalin over” Disagreements on wartime strategy “Second Front” debate Major Conferences Casablanca Teheran Yalta
Conclusion: What were the needs, goals, and motivations for each of the “Big Three”? FDR Stalin Churchill