Niche Concepts Joseph Grinnell Charles Elton Evelyn Hutchinson
Joseph Grinnell (1877-1939)
Grinnell J, Storer TI (1924) Animal Life in the Yosemite: An Account of the Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibians in a Cross-Section of the Sierra Nevada (Univ of California Press, Berkeley).
Wake. D et al (2009) PNAS Grinnell's concept of ecological niche was developed from studies of California vertebrates, specifically the California Thrasher (Toxostoma redivivum), and the map was an early effort to integrate natural history with geography in understanding biogeography. www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0911097106
The Life Zone Concept was developed in the United States by C. Hart Merriam Merriam CH (1890) Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco Mountain Region and desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. 1. General results, with special reference to the geographical and vertical distribution of species. North Am Fauna 3:1–34.
Animal Ecology (1927) outlines and draws together the Charles Elton (1900-1991) . Animal Ecology (1927) outlines and draws together the case for a subject of that name. It is also generally recognized, of course, for the introduction of the concept of the ecological 'niche' in the sense that this is an organism's 'profession' Macfadyen (1992)
George Evelyn Hutchinson (1903-1991) George Evelyn Hutchinson (1903-1991)
Hutchinson’s duality: The once and future niche Robert K. Colwell and Thiago F. Rangel PNAS November 17, 2009 vol. 106 suppl. 2 19651–19658
The Niche as a Bioclimatic Envelope
Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia)
Valley Oak (Quercus lobata)