Introducing Your Speech
Things To Accomplish Get the attention and interest of your audience Reveal the topic Give the audience a reason to listen Establish credibility as a speaker Preview your main points
ATTENTION GRABBER!!!!! Ask a question Tell a story State a startling stat or fact Use appropriate humor Use a quotation Refer to an event (historical, current, special occasion) Arouse the curiosity of the audience
Reveal the Topic State the central idea or theme of your speech clearly and concisely Tell your listeners how this speech affects them Make sure your introduction reveals your topic
What is Credibility??? The attitude listeners hold towards a speaker A credible speaker is trustworthy, judged as believable, and competent Are you qualified to speak on the topic??
How do I Establish Credibility?? Be well prepared Appear confident Use good grammar and appropriate vocabulary Tell about your personal experience with your topic
Preview the Body Tell, tell, tell Use effective transitional statements Identify the main points or ideas of your speech
Do’s and Don’t’s Do… Don’t… Prepare your intro after your body Make it simple and easy to follow Find a medium between too short and too long Link your intro to the rest of your speech Have confidence Use expressions like, “My speech is”, “The purpose of my speech”, “Today I will talk to you about” Apologize Say you are nervous Make excuses