James Hardiman Library Commercialisation Information Resources for your market research Locating global marketing information & data
Identify and verify the market opportunity using the 5 Cs 1. COMPANY –What special competencies, skills and assets do we have? 2. CONTEXT –What is the profile of our target market? What drives the market? 3. CUSTOMERS –What needs are currently unsatisfied or unmet? 4. COMPETITION –Who will compete with us and what is our real differentiation ? 5. COLLABORATORS - –Whose help do we need to enlist?
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Your market research should reveal The total size of your market? Current/potential demand in target market Trends in target marketgrowth trends, trends in consumer preferences, and trends in product development. Provider profiles / Identify the competition Language, culture, politics, economy, infrastructure Duties/taxes, transport costs Technical requirements Labeling/Packaging requirements
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Secondary research sources published information - industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, magazines, census data, demographic profiles This type of information is available from library resources, industry associations and government agencies, chambers of commerce, from vendors who sell to your industry, etc. (Enterprise Ireland, County Enterprise Boards) ( talking to people who know about the industry, markets and products you are considering
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Relevant Library sources Books – marketing books at Journals & databases for finding relevant articles Government & EU publications EU publications State-sponsored bodies publications Market research databases Commercial directories Literature from trade associations & professional bodies
Types of secondary market research information available from the Library Industry profiles - selected Trade journals Newspapers Magazines CSO census data Demographic profiles
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Online marketing information resources available via the Library Index to business journal articles –Business Source Premier Market research report databases –GMID, Mintel Newspaper archives –Nexis, Factfinder, Irish Times Online Company & industry profiles databases –FAME, Kompass, Nexis, Business Source Premier
School Institute Name to go here Majority of e-Resources are covered by educational licence agreements Generally do not allow use for commercial gain
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Business Source Premier Industrys most used business research database 2,300+ full text journals, including full text for 1,100+ peer-reviewed business publications including Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Marketing Country economic reports from the EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch Detailed company profiles for the world's 10,000 largest companies and SWOT analyses Market research reports
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Industries & Markets file –Industry Directories & Profiles –Industry Statistics –Industry Trade Press –Market Research Reports –Tenders Opportunities News file –Newspapers –Industry & Trade Publications –News wires & press releases Companies & Organisations file –Company Analyst Reports –Company Directories & Profiles –Company Filings –M&A Reports
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library 200+ countries researched In-depth analysis for 80 countries - representing 95% of global consumer spending 8 million internationally comparable statistics 17,000 full market reports Comment on emerging industry, country and consumer trends 1000s of sources providing further research information Powerful data analysis functions allowing you to customise data for specific needs The premier source for international marketing data
Company information Filed accounts & contact details –Companies Registration Office –Companies House (UK) –FAME (UK & Ireland) via Library website Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Free company information - free access to basic information for international businesses, additional information (eg. turnover) for European companies US company information…
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Annual reports directories on the Web.ac.uk - free service offering one point access to European and US Company Annual Reports - free US publicly traded annual reports
Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library The remaining slides indicate how library and other online resources can answer questions such as: What is the size of the Irish diaspora market in North America What is the current demand for chilled ready meals? Who are the main competitors in this market, and what are their product positionings?
Size of US market Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Population finder on
Nature of the market USA Country Factfile on GMID
Market size and projected growth Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Euromonitor US market size statistics for Chilled Ready Meals on GMID
Industry profiles Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library Business Source Premier
Irish competitors on FAME Gwen Ryan James Hardiman Library