Mother Teresa once said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” She had it right. We’re not authors, any of us. We are just the “pencils.” Once we understand that, we might actually become useful to God. (Quote from Rich Stearns, The Hole in Our Gospel) My name is (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and my prayer is that today, we can become useful in the story God is writing in Congo.
Child Ambassador Cry out for Congo Today, My heart is broken for 9/10 mothers in Congo who lose at least one child before they turn five years old. [Click Cry Out for Congo” to play video] Child Ambassador
How World Vision Works Child Ambassador World Vision is working in partnership with community members, leaders and local staff on the ground in Gemena Congo, to help tackle the root causes of poverty, so that over time, children will be he healthy, adults and parents will be empowered, and the community will have access to life-giving resources. Here is a video to help us understand how World Vision works to empower communities to find their own solutions to their poverty situations: Child Ambassador
Sponsor a Child in Congo Today I am a Child Ambassador with World Vision. Together, we are called to care for the orphan and the widow – to care for the least of these. …And God addresses poverty in the Bible over 2,000 times! Gemena Congo, a small area in the Northwest Democratic Republic of the Congo, is one of the poorest areas in the world. An area abandoned by the it’s own people, it’s a place where children are dying at a rate of 1 in 6 before the age of 5. Only 6% of people have access to clean water… When did you last drink clean water… Have a shower… Think about how long it would take you to get it? My prayer is that today, God will break your heart for the things that break His and that you would choose to stand in the gap for children who could LIVE if they only had a bed net; for girls who need to be advocated for so that they can go to school too, for mothers, who shouldn’t be burying their children in rows in front of their homes. World Vision is working to make an impact in Gemena – a place of most significant need in the world. If you choose to make a monthly commitment of $35 a month, together, we can help make a PROFOUND impact in this one place. We can help bring clean water, healthcare, and education, all in ways that invite the community to be a part of the process, giving THEM the tools, resources and education they need to be empowered to be change agents in their own communities. And we will do this all in the name of Christ. World Vision works to be the light of Christ in the most challenging of places in the world. Gemena, Congo has a growing church presence, and we can help grow it further, as World Vision works to empower the local church to be the light and love of Christ in their own community. Let’s be the church to the church in Gemana, showing our love and support to our brothers and sisters across the world. Will you join me today, in helping to bring LIFE to a community that has been forgotten and abandoned? Your monthly commitment can work to ensure that children and families have the opportunity to reach their God given potential. And you will get to know a special child that could change your life as much as you do theirs. I am (insert child’s name and hold up letter/picture from your child)’s sponsor. It has been a life-changing experience for my family that I strongly urge you to consider for your family. Today’s the day to start making a difference in one of the poorest places in the world. Join me in the back to start on the this journey.