Newton’s Law meets Basketball Michael Jordan Newton’s Law meets Basketball
Vertical leap of 48 inches- 4 feet How high can he jump? Vertical leap of 48 inches- 4 feet At 6’6”—his head is 6 inches above the rim when he leaps.
Newton meets Lebron James When he raises his hand –his reach is 8’10.25” and the basket is 10 feet from the ground. 6’8” and 245 lbs
What does Newton’s 3rd Law State? For every…….there is an ……. and ………reaction.
How does Newton’s 3rd Law of motion explain how Lebron James can jump higher than other basketball players?
Describe how a rocket lauches off the ground by using information from the passage.
How does the example of Lebron James jumping to dunk a basketball illustrate Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion? Use information from the text to support your answer.
When Lebron James jumps, he is driving force into the court When Lebron James jumps, he is driving force into the court. How is this force created?
Newton’s 1st Law states….
Law two…. It has to do with math!
Newton’s 2nd Law
F=ma N=2000x.05 Force is measured in Newtons. Guess who that is named after??
Example If a 5.46kg brick fell 17m/s2 on the back of a cockroach, what is the force that squished his body an ultimately killed it.
You should be able to state this now!!! Law three? You should be able to state this now!!!
Net Force If traveling the same direction, add 2 to the left and 2 in the same direction= If traveling the opposite direction, subtract. 2 to the left and 6 to the right=