SW/MW guidance Milestones Surface/marine part: focus on specific monitoring features related to surface waters and marine/coastal waters (covering issues of sampling, sample pre-treatment, frequency, location etc.) based on MS best practices and collection of information from existing guidelines. Milestones Consolidated draft (sent to CMA): end of February 2006 SW/MW meeting (Brussels): 23rd March 2006 Final draft ready by end of April 2006 Submission to SCG: early May 2006 SCG comments/approval: 15-16 May 2006 Plenary CMA meeting (Rome): 22 May 2006 Water Directors meeting: 1st June 2006
GW guidance Milestones Groundwater part: “monitoring drafting group” of WG C Milestones Consolidated draft – WG C Plenary: 14 February 2006 Final comments expected by end of March 2006 Submission to SCG: end April 2006 SCG comments/approval: 15-16 May 2006 Plenary CMA meeting (Rome): 22 May 2006 Water Directors meeting: 1st June 2006 Groundwater Conference: 22-23 June 2006
QA/QC guidance Milestones Common part (covering GW, SW and MW) concerning analytical issues, in particular analytical method's performance criteria, QA/QC, data comparability etc. Milestones Consolidated draft (sent to CMA): end of February 2006 SW/MW meeting (Brussels): 23rd March 2006 Final draft ready by end of April 2006 Submission to WFD-COM: early May 2006 WFD-COM first debate: 16 May 2006 Plenary CMA meeting (Rome): 22 May 2006 WFD-COM final comments: 5 October 2006 Adoption by WFD-COM: 9 November 2006
Proposal of field trial Field trial proposed by JRC-IES Based on reference site in the Po river basin (Italy) Preparatory files provided by JRC-IES on 23rd March to CMA Strategies to be established by MS volunteers by June 2006 Evaluation by JRC-IES Field trial to compare sampling techniques in September 2006 Discussion of results in November 2006 (EAQC-WISE meeting)
Key meetings/milestones 23 March 2006 (Brussels): Meeting of SW/MW Monitoring drafting group 22 May 2006 (Rome): Final GW and SW/MW drafts adopted by the experts Exchanges among the drafting groups, networking May 2006: Texts submitted to Water directors November 2006 (Paris, tbc): Final CMA meeting linked to EAQC-WISE information session, preparation of implementation steps Adoption of Commission Decision on 9 November