Alerts Protocol Flow Chart – May 2017 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 CPC and IRO Managers send Alert to SW, ATM and TM regarding concerns identified QA Service Manager escalates to HofS and copies TM, ATM and SW. Head of QA notified of all Stage 2 alerts Head of QA escalates to Exec. Head of Children’s Services and copies HofS Head of QA reports concerns to Strategic Director regarding unresolved Alert ATM or TM to respond within 5 working days HofS to respond within 5 working days Exec. Head of Children’s Services to respond within 5 working days CPC/IRO satisfied concerns sufficiently addressed; alert resolved CPC/IRO not satisfied concerns raised have been sufficiently addressed and/or no response received within timescale CPC/IRO and Head of QA satisfied concerns sufficiently addressed; alert resolved CPC/IRO, QA Manager and Head of QA not satisfied concerns raised have been sufficiently addressed and/or no response received within timescale Head of QA Service satisfied concerns sufficiently addressed; alert resolved Head of QA Service not satisfied concerns raised have been sufficiently addressed and/or no response received within timescale Escalate to Stage 2 Escalate to Stage 3 Escalate to Stage 4