Early Years Leading the Strategy Locality Meeting 3 May 2018
Agenda Agenda: Overview and Updates Care Inspectorate update – National Standards Developing Young Workforce (DYW) Early Years STEM Planning Guidance ASL Update Digital Learning & Teaching- Early Years IT
National Improvement Framework (NIF) (Attainment, Equity, GIRFEC, DYW) National Overview - National Improvement Framework (NIF) (Attainment, Equity, GIRFEC, DYW) How do we make it real in our settings? Making strong links POWERPOINT -Early Learning and Childcare and the Scottish Attainment Challenge
Some key messages High-quality, universal early learning and childcare (ELC) is a key factor in mitigating low attainment throughout schooling, particularly for children growing up with socio-economic disadvantage. High-quality ELC is generally beneficial to children’s holistic development and particular gains in cognitive development and early language can be long lasting. As the first step in life-long learning, ELC provides unique opportunities to work positively with parents and carers about their role in supporting their child’s attainment. Want to read more? Click here for Section 2, Building the Ambition
Back to basics approach Taking action 1 : high-quality universal provision Experiences Building the Ambition (2014) promotes that effective early learning pedagogy to benefit all children requires a blend of: Enabling, well-considered learning environments that support the children within and just beyond their developmental stage; Environments Adults Enriching, stimulating and engaging experiences; and, Highly skilled and well attuned adults who understand their role in developing children’s learning capability.
Taking action 2 : identifying the ‘gap potential’ “A skilled five-year-old grows from a busy four-year-old, a curious three-year-old, a cuddled two-year-old, an adventurous one-year-old and a communicative baby.” J. Lindon (2002) Do you understand the factors that affect limited progress, for example, vocabulary acquisition? What ‘gaps’ might be relevant for very young children? What information do you gather from parents/carers that provides data, for example, about early language development and vocabulary? How involved are multi-agency partners in helping you understand who may be at risk? Need help? Go to further reading.
Taking action 2 : identifying the ‘gap potential’ One ELC setting attached to a children’s centre had an agreed policy about the circumstances in which a child and their family would be regarded as ‘at a disadvantage’. This included children who were: showing poor speech and language for their age and stage of development. being looked after by someone other than their parents/carers, such as grandparents. those whose family was known to be involved in crime. those who had young or teenage parents. those who had older siblings with a wide age gap between them. Source: Talking and listening across the four learning contexts via web https://education.gov.scot/improvement/sac59-talking-and-listening-across-the-four-learning-contexts
Interventions for equity framework Taking action 3 : effective targeted intervention Effective targeted interventions in ELC need to: Be chosen carefully to address the main area of concern. Have a strong evidence base with proven success. Be developmentally appropriate for children’s age and stage. Support play-based learning and early learning pedagogy. Read more about the Education Endowment Foundation here. Interventions for equity framework
How good is our universal provision? Click here for How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare?
CEC - Raising Attainment in Edinburgh, Quality Improvement - Frameworks for Learning 2018-2023 ‘Edinburgh Learns’ 3-18 Frameworks Equity in Learning Improving Quality of Learning HWB for Learning Excellence in Teaching & Learning Digital Learning (Clusters) Parental Engagement Pathways for Learning Early Years
What is a Strategy? Tells you what you want to improve (aims & rationale) Tells you why (research & data) Tells you who’s involved (roles/responsibilities) Tells you what to do (actions) Tell you how you will measure success Explains processes to ensure ongoing QA Provides template for personalisation
What else ?? ELC National Update: Multi year funding AGREED !!!! Revised PLAN Workforce strategy Consultation on the Service Model - closes 29th June 2018 Consultation on Welfare Foods – closes 28th June 2018 Health and Social Care Standards
WHAT ELSE ?? CEC Update Phase 2 Expansion - LA and PP Additional graduates - 20 MA/Trainees - 90 Dates Continued focus on Universal Quality – ‘Back to Basics’ self evaluation approach Ipads /books
Focused Self-Evaluation Year 1 2017-18
Focused Self-Evaluation Year 1 2017-18
more focused,-Impact –Evidence-Poverty Clarity - SQIP guidance 2018 SQIP Planning – Tackling bureaucracy more focused,-Impact –Evidence-Poverty Clarity - Self-Evaluation - Setting/ ELIP/Cluster Collaboration – Setting/ELIP/Cluster/Locality/Authority /RIC
SQIP guidance 2018 Timeline for SQIPs To be submitted to your QIEO by 29th June. A summary of the SQIPs should be issued to parents in August and full version should be available for parents to view on the website 2018/19’s CEC advice to all settings is informed by key national documents CEC Education Improvement Plan Education Scotland’s Driving Excellence and Equity: Advice on School Improvement Planning 2018/19 Summary of National Improvement Plan by Drivers Add names to list as you leave if you would be interested in coming along to a focus session on SQIP – June date TBC
Transition Reports 2018 2017 Transition Report Guidance issued: Transition Report with notes to support staff to complete the form Child’s Profile – two versions attached Parents/Carers Feedback sheet The report should be completed, shared with parents and carers and sent on to the receiving primary school no later than 9th June 2018. The child’s profile should be completed with the child, two versions attached.
Coffee & Chat Following coffee Lynn and Jane then Alison or Maxine – they have their own ppts.
Planning with children Isla
Curriculum for Excellence “It is important that we recognise that planning and assessment is a process not an end result, that it is neither limited nor driven by paperwork, but is part of an ethos of ensuring quality experiences and environments for children in order that they develop into successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.”
national guidance
Child’s View Adult’s View It’s all connected… Children’s interests and needs Spontaneous Child has control and leads learning Child involved in planning what’s next along with adult Provides context for observation and assessment Provides context for developing skills OBSERVATION IS KEY Responsive/consultative/ short-term planning Child brings: Their own history and knowledge Their own emotional wellbeing Their own impulses and needs Their own ideas and plans Their own barriers Child’s view of continuous provision Adult brings: Knowledge of the curriculum and skills to promote Opportunities for the intentional promotion of learning Adult view of record-keeping Adult’s own strengths and areas to develop Adults view of continuous provision Relevant contexts Possible lines of learning planned by adult Possible assessments planned by adult through play and learning opportunities Flexible enough for children to lead learning within this long term/medium term planning Co-construction of environment High quality interactions and learning conversations Promotion of learning in contexts meaningful for child Adult/child negotiations re expectations and what is important Sustained shared thinking Effective promotion of skills Child’s View Adult’s View Rich learning High quality
Responsive/consultative planning It’s all connected… Continuous provision Planned experiences Responsive/consultative planning
Planning learning involves both the adult and the child. It’s all connected… Curriculum Rationale: ‘We are clear about the purpose of our curriculum framework. It is based on shared values and takes full account of local needs and circumstances. Our very good understanding of pedagogy and play in learning is evident in our delivery of the curriculum for babies, toddlers and the young child.’ [HGIOELC p.25] Planned experiences [long and medium term planning]: ‘Building the Ambition’ describes planned learning as ‘what the practitioner wants children to learn within a caring, nurturing environment - the intentional promotion of experiences and interactions which are important for young children to learn.’ [BTA p. 51] Continuous provision [ie. layout, resources, learning experiences] is a very significant part of children’s Early Years’ experience. This guidance encourages your team to look at your provision from the child’s point of view. Are you providing high quality to support children’s learning? Responsive/consultative planning [short-term planning]: Children learn as they play, and we need to observe, listen, respond and consult with our children. Responding to children’s interests and needs is at the heart of planning, particularly for our youngest children. Planning learning involves both the adult and the child.
Further training Introductory sessions: 18th June either 9.30 – 11.30 or 12.30 – 2.30 Training over 2 sessions in localities next term: NE: 11/9/18 and 25/9/18 NW 10/9/18 and 24/9/18 SE 18/9/18 and 1/10/18 SW 19/9/18 and 2/10/18 This will look at observation, suggested formats, continuous provision, tracking development
…and finally! Evaluation and Feedback www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ltseye