Calculating Gradient Do Now: What is the contour interval?


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Presentation transcript:

Calculating Gradient Do Now: What is the contour interval? Today’s Objective: Calculating Gradient Do Now: What is the contour interval? What is the elevation of point B? What direction is the creek flowing?

Gradient (or slope) The rate of change in values between two points on a field map. How gentle or steep the land is

lines are closer together Gentle slope – lines are farther apart Steep Gentle Steep slope – lines are closer together Gentle slope – lines are farther apart

Formula for Calculating Gradient

Gradient examples - 250 m G= = 50 m/km 5 km A hiker gains 250 meters in altitude by climbing a mountain from the valley. The peak is 5 km from the valley. What is the gradient of the mountain side? 250 m G= = 50 m/km 5 km

145 m – 125 m G= 5 km = 4 m/km

Now try these . . . 260 m – 122 m G= = 0.69 m/mi 200 mi Two cities are separated by 200 miles. City X has an altitude of 122 meters and City Y has an altitude of 260 meters. Calculate the altitude gradient between the two cites. 260 m – 122 m G= = 0.69 m/mi 200 mi

A map shows two locations A and B. They are 25 kilometers apart A map shows two locations A and B. They are 25 kilometers apart. Location A has an elevation of 535 meters and location B has an elevation of 125 meters. What is the gradient between the two locations? 535 m – 125 m G= = 16.4 m/km 25 km