Understanding radio listening amongst children 4-16 An analysis of supplementary data taken from radioGAUGE
Note on data source Questions added to end of radioGAUGE dips running between 4th September and 15th November (8 dips in total) Key questions focused on:- Whether children listened to the radio and where Levels of joint listening, including when and where Results split between respondents with children aged 4-10 and 11-16 yrs to understand differences
Note on sample 1920 respondents with children aged 4-16 (taken from overall RG database of 4810) 1442 CR Listeners; 478 non CR listeners 1013 have children aged between 4 and 10 (21.1% of original sample) 907 have children aged between 11 and 16 (18.9% of original sample)
Radio listening Radio listening increases as children get older “Do your children listen to the radio?” % saying “yes” Base: All respondents with kids aged 4-16 yrs Source: radioGAUGE panel
Radio listening Radio listening is higher amongst children whose parents are CR listeners “Do your children listen to the radio?” % saying “yes” Base: Respondents with kids aged 4-16 yrs Source: radioGAUGE panel
Listening location – children Listening in the bedroom and when out and about increases in older kids “Where do your children listen to the radio?” Base: Respondents with kids aged 4-16 yrs Source: radioGAUGE panel
Joint radio listening Overall joint listening is high but decreases slightly as children get older “Are there times when you listen with your children?” % saying “yes” Base: Respondents with kids 4-16 Source: radioGAUGE panel
Joint listening locations Most joint listening is when in the car with little difference between the age groups Where do you listen to the radio with your children? Base: Respondents with kids aged 4-16 yrs Source: radioGAUGE panel
Joint listening occasions Weekends and school run are the most common joint listening occasions (the latter especially for 4-10 yr olds) When do you listen to the radio with your children? Base: Respondents with kids aged 4-16 yrs Source: radioGAUGE panel
Timeline of Media Reach when with Children Source: Touchpoints 6 – Timeline of media reach when with Children – Any Day
Summary Children of CR listeners more likely to be radio listeners themselves Listening in the bedroom and when out and about increases as children get older Potentially reflecting growing independence and greater access to radio (e.g. mobile phones) Joint listening is high but declining slightly amongst older children Weekends and the school run are the most common joint listening occasions
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