Your Regional Network: Moving Towards Sustainability What is the value to you of having a regional network? What is the value to the members of having a regional network? Write – Pair – Share
In addition to your regional workshop, what else would you want to do to engage colleagues in your region throughout the year? Talk with your team - share
What are strong strategies for getting your colleagues to come to your regional workshop? Schedule events as part of your regular “business” Piggy-back on other events in program/region/state Encourage others in your program to participate Good email list, list servs, social media Good descriptive titles, considering your audience and their interests Convey the value of the network to potential participants Other ideas?
Plan your regional workshop Plan your regional workshop, keeping in mind your reflections from the 2016 workshop, your knowledge of your community, and the need to address all 3 strands of the project over the duration of the project in the course of your regional work. Goals, topics and structure etc on the website Short round-the-room focus of regional workshops Break Reviewing your regional workshop plans (pairs of teams)