The worlds libraries. Connected. Rise and fall of the cataloguers empire: a changing landscape Daniel van Spanje Senior productmanager metadata services OCLC Leiden – The Netherlands Rome, 27 February 2014
The worlds libraries. Connected.
The worlds libraries. Connected. The online information industry remote user devices were Acoustic Couplers that accepted a standard GPO handset placed into foam cups …. This link worked at an amazing 110 baud and these devices were the wonder of the age at the time.
The worlds libraries. Connected. tools that search seamlessly acrosss a wide range of local and remote content and provide relevance-ranked results have the ambitious goal of providing a single point of entry into a librarys collection Marshall Breeding, january 14, 2014 – 18:37, in: Web scale discovery services
The worlds libraries. Connected.
The web
The worlds libraries. Connected.
The catalogue: characteristics Discovery happens at the library – The physical library – The online catalog Collection centered Item oriented Work oriented
The worlds libraries. Connected. Discovery happens at the online library From collection to connection Subject and discipline oriented Web-scale discovery services
The worlds libraries. Connected. Discovery happens outside the library From connection to navigation and linking Context oriented The web
The worlds libraries. Connected. Context Subject Item / work Physical Digital Catalogue Discovery Centralized searching Decentralized searching Local Global Outside-in Inside-out
The worlds libraries. Connected. Metadata management proces Item Cataloguer Catalogue
The worlds libraries. Connected. Metadata management proces Item Cataloguer Bibliografic records Authority control Item records OPAC Web Discovery IT staff
The worlds libraries. Connected. Metadata management proces E-journals Cataloguer Bibliografic records Identifier control Holding and URL control OPAC Web Discovery Knowledge base Metadata manager IT staff Collection manager
The worlds libraries. Connected.
Metadata management proces Metadata / Collection manager Bibliografic records Identifier control Holding and URL control OPAC Discovery IT staff Bibliografic records Identifier control URL control Knowledge base Library materials IT staff Web
The worlds libraries. Connected. How to connect users to library collections on the web? How to expose library collections on the web? The fundamental question
The worlds libraries. Connected. Some things the web wants: 1.Size 2.Familiar structures 3.A network of links 4.Entity identifiers What the Web wants
The worlds libraries. Connected. Developing linked data initiatives by moving away from managing records to managing entities Examples: VIAF exposure Bibliographic Framework Initiative Examples of library initiatives LIBRARY
The worlds libraries. Connected. Examples of library initiatives The BIBFRAME Model
The worlds libraries. Connected. edition authorlocation holding date of publication classification publisher title source ISBN authorlocation holding classification publisher personplace objectconcept organizationwork title Library data stored as records
The worlds libraries. Connected. personplace objectconcept organizationwork Field in a record vs. entity in knowledge graph Building a library knowledge graph
The worlds libraries. Connected. personplace work concept organization object Martin Heidegger Metaphysics this copy of What is a thing Germany library Die Frage nach dem Ding expression What is a thing Field in a record vs. entity in a knowledge graph
The worlds libraries. Connected. Results Item Cataloguer Catalogue edition date of publication source ISBN authorlocation holding classification publisher title Discovery Metadata manager E-collections IT specialist on indexing and ranking Knowledge Base personplace work concept organization object
The worlds libraries. Connected. The focus of many libraries shifts from acquiring externally created content toward disclosing internally curated assets! Think of special collections, data sets, MOOCs and online education. If we are not cataloguing anymore, we definitely cannot stop doing metadatamanagement? Cataloguing needs to change from record management to entity management! And we need persistent identifiers for these entities. We need to develop new workflows. Will this be a new metadata creation process (catalinking) or just another way of metadata exposure? We need to look at the whole process: focus on the enduser on the web but also involve the supply chain of vendors, distributors and publishers. Is there a link between Entity management and e.g., Demand Driven Acquisition? Our challenges
The worlds libraries. Connected. Rise and fall of the cataloguers empire: a changing landscape Thank you! Daniel van Spanje Senior productmanager metadata services OCLC Leiden – The Netherlands Rome, 27 February 2014