1-Dimensional Vertical Motion Free Fall - an object dropped from the surface of a planet in the absence of air resistance undergoes “free fall” Acceleration due to the force of gravity, on earth, is known as, “g”. g = -9.8 m/s/s All objects, on earth, accelerate at the constant rate of -9.8 m/s/s, in the absence of air resistance.
Air resistance - the force exerted by the air on a falling object
Terminal Velocity - the largest velocity that is reached by a falling object when air resistance balances the pull of gravity the object stops accelerating and speed remains constant = TERMINAL SPEED.
Terminal Velocity
Terminal Velocity
UNIFORM ACCELERATION OBJECTS WITH INITIAL VELOCITY OBJECTS FROM REST Average Velocity Vav = Dd/Dt Acceleration a = Dv/Dt OBJECTS WITH INITIAL VELOCITY OBJECTS FROM REST Vf = Vi + aDt Dx = Vi Dt + ½(aDt2) Vf = sqrt(Vi2 + 2aDx) Dx = ½(Vi +Vf )Dt Vf = aDt Dx = ½(aDt2) Vf = sqrt(2aDx) Dx = ½(Vf )Dt FREE FALL g = 9.8 m/s/s Vf = Vi - gDt Dy = Vi Dt - ½(gDt2) Vf = sqrt(Vi2 -2gDy) Dy = ½(Vi +Vf )Dt Vf = -gDt Dy = ½(-gDt2) Vf = sqrt(2(-g)Dy) Dy = ½(Vf )Dt
sources http://www.physicsclassroom.com/mmedia/newtla ws/sd.cfm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNED5RzqxOo http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a15/video15.html#close out3 http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/frame.html