6.E.2.1 Structure of the Earth Vocabulary 03/03/2016
Convection Current
Circular currents in the mantle caused by the magma being heated by the core off the earth
The thin, rocky outer layer of the Earth’s surface
A measure of the CERTAIN amount of MATTER (mass) THAT IS PACKED INTO A GIVEN AMOUNT OF SPACE (volume)
Dynamo Effect (magnetic field)
The model that explains the Earth's and other planets' magnetic fields as being due to electric currents flowing within molten iron cores.
Inner Core
A solid ball made of nickel and iron located in the center of the Earth. This is the hottest layer of the Earth.
A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust.
Mantle (Convective Layer)
Earth's thickest layer made of solid hot rock Earth's thickest layer made of solid hot rock. It lies between the crust and core.
Outer Core
A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth