Philippines Test Review
Part 1--Map South China Sea Philippine Sea Luzon 0Baguio Visayas 0 Manila Visayas Pacific Ocean Samar Negros Mindanao Sulu Sea 0 Davao City
Part 2--Matching The matching portion of the test will deal with the names of peoples/groups found in your notes. Be familiar with the names in your notes.
Part 3—Multiple Choice/short answer What countries have controlled the Philippines? Which country controlled the Philippines for the longest time? Who wrote Noli me Tangre? When did the Philippine/American war take place? Where in the country is the highest concentration of Muslims? What are two problems currently facing the Philippines?
Part 4—Photos/Response Pictures focusing on the following terminology: Archipelago, nipa, carabao, flagelantes, sari-sari, shanties, jeepney, trykes
Part 5—Kitchen sink Extra facts about the Philippines—from notes, slides, lectures, videos, etc…
Key People Review
Negrito Name given to tribal people who settled in the Philippines thousands of years ago
Ferdinand Magellan This is the Spanish explorer who “discovered” the Philippines
King Philip II of Spain The Philippines was named in honor of this Spanish ruler.
Dr. Jose Rizal He is considered the Filipino national hero. He also wrote Noli Me Tangre
Emilio Aguinaldo He led the opposition of U.S. forces during the Philippine American War of 1900-1902
William Howard Taft This President of the United States also served as governor of the Philippines in the early 1900s
Douglas MacArthur This American led U.S. forces in the Philippines during World War 2.
Manuel Quezon This person was the first president of the Philippines.
Ramon Magsaysay This person served as President of the Philippines from 1953-57. He was a “President of the People”
Ferdinand Marcos This person was President of the Philippines from 1965-86. He was a corrupt, virtual dictator.
Imelda Marcos She served as First Lady of the Philippines from 1965-86. She was corrupt, and known for having a large shoe collection
Ninoy Aquino Philippine Senator who was a political opponent of Marcos. He was assassinated in 1983
Cory Aquino She was Ninoy’s widow, and a housewife who became President of the Philippines during the “People Power” revolution in 1986.
Fidel Ramos This person was elected president in 1992. He had assisted Aquino in the 1986 revolution.
Joseph Estrada He was elected president in 1998. He was a former movie actor, who proved to be a corrupt politician. He was impeached and removed from office.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo She was Estrada’s vice-president and served as president from 2001-2010.
Nonoy Aquino Ninoy and Cory’s son—He served as president from 2010-2016
Rodrigo Duterte He is the current president of the Philippines. Amongst other things, he has declared “War on Drugs”