Building a Strong and Safe Structure Liz Schrandt Civil Engineer
Overview What is a flood plain? How can we avoid flooding? What are structures made out of? How do structures keep out water? What building regulations are there? What are different structures that hold water?
Flood Plains Flood plain: an area of low, flat land along a stream or river that may flood (Webster dictionary) the area which will be flooded by a 100-year storm (FEMA) Design Storm: 10-year, 25-year, 50-year, 100-year storm
Avoiding Floods Green Infrastructure: using natural materials to manage stormwater Water is not absorbed by hard surfaces (concrete, asphalt, buildings) Water is absorbed by soft surfaces (dirt, rock, porous pavement)
Building Materials Materials: concrete, steel, timber, masonry Composite structures: structures of more than one material Reinforced concrete = concrete with steel bars inside of it. Often the strongest and most durable, since concrete is strong in one direction and steel is strong in another. This is the most common material for structures such as flood walls. It is good for withstanding water as long as it doesn’t crack and then cause the steel to rust.
Keeping Water out of Buildings External protection: stop logs, marine doors Built-in protection: rain-screen walls, strengthened walls, water proofing coating
Forces Loadings Dead load: constant load Live load: changing load Symmetrical shapes
Water Forces
Material Strength
Building Regulations City and state regulations First floor out of flood plain Insurance company requirements Height above flood plain Strength against flood forces Options Raise building Strengthen structure
Retaining Walls