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Presentation transcript:


Gwybod y gwahaniaeth rhwng tîm a grŵp Ar ôl trafod y darn yma, fe ddylech chi allu: After this section, you should be able to: Gwybod y gwahaniaeth rhwng tîm a grŵp Disgrifio camau datblygu tîm gan ddefnyddio model Disgrifio rôlau a chyfrifoldebau tîm Egluro y manteision ac anfanteison o ran tîm Know the difference between team and group Describe stages in team development by using a model Describe team roles and responsibilities Explain the advantages and disadvantages of teams

‘GRŴP’ A ‘TÎM’ * (tud 12, cwest 1) ‘GROUP’ AND ‘TEAM’ *(pg 12, quest 1) Diffiniad o ‘Grŵp’ Diffiniad ‘o Tîm’ Nodweddion ‘tîm effeithiol’ Nodweddion Grŵp Definition of ‘Group’ Definition of Team ‘Effective team’ characteristics Group characteristics

☺Llawlyfr - tud 10, cwest 1 Handbook - pg 10, quest 1 Gwahaniaeth rhwng tîm a grŵp Grwp Angen pethau gwahanol Gweithio fel unigolion Dim cefnogaeth Annibynadwy Cyfathrebu sâl Enghraifft o grŵp yn y Cyngor? Tîm Angen yr un peth Gweithio fel un uned Cefnogaeth i bob aelod Dibynnu ar ei gilydd Cyfathrebu agored Enghraifft o dîm yn y Cyngor? Difference between group and team Group Need different things Work as individuals No support Independent Poor communication Example of a group in the Council? Team Want the same thing Work as one unit Support every member Depend on each other Open Communication Example of a team in the Council?

☺ Llawlyfr - tud 13, 14 cwest 4, 5 & 6 Handbook - pg 13 , 14 quest 4, 5 & 6 MANTEISION AC ANFANTEISION O WEITHIO MEWN TÎM BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS OF TEAM WORKING Cyfrifoldebau aelodau tîm? ☺cwest 4 Manteision i’r unigolyn/sefydliad ☺cwest 5 Anfanteision i’r unigolyn/sefydliad ☺cwest 6 Responsibilites of team members? ☺ quest 4 Benefits to the individual/organisation ☺ quest 5 Drawbacks to the individual/organisation ☺quest 6

☺Llawlyfr - tud 13, 14, cwest 4, 5 & 6 Booklet - pg 13, 14, quest 4, 5 & 6 Members’ responsibilities: Build support through consensus Adhering to norms Involve team members Taking an interest in work and well-being of team Not blaming others Taking the intitiative Trust in team members Meeting deadlines Advantages and disadvantages of using teams: Advantages Share responsibility Develop skills Better quality Less absenteeism Less supervision Disadvantages Wrong ‘mix’ Not working towards organisational goal Undermine manager’s role Group ‘norms’ Cyfrifoldebau aelodau: Adeiladu cefnogaeth trwy gonsensws Cadw at normau Cynnwys aelodau tîm Cymryd diddordeb mewn gwaith a lles y tîm Dim beio pobl eraill Cymryd yr her Ymddiried yn aelodau o'r tîm Cyflwyno gwaith o fewn amser Manteision ac anfanteision defnyddio timau: Manteision Rhannu cyfrifoldeb Datblygu sgiliau Gwell ansawdd Llai o absenoldeb Llai o archwilio Anfanteison Cymysgfa anghywir Dim gweithio tuag at nôd sefydliad Tanseilio rôl y rheolwr ‘Normau’ (rheolau) grŵp

TUCKMAN ☺Llawlyfr - tud 12, cwest 3 Handbook - pg 12, quest 3 Ffurfio Stormio (Syniadau/Gwrthdaro) Normio (Gweithio) Perfformio Cwis: Cam presennol eich tîm Forming Storming Norming Performing Quiz: Your team’s present stage

STRWYTHUR Y TÎM TEAM STRUCTURE Mae teimlad o hunaniaeth tîm yn cael ei ganfod drwy ……. Amryw o rolau i’w llenwi, y rhain . . . Sut gallai’r arweinydd drefnu’r tîm orau? A sense of team identity is achieved by …. . . Variety of roles to be filled, these are . . . How could the leader best organise the team?

☺ Llawlyfr - tud 12, cwest 2 Handbook - pg 12, quest 2 BELBIN Rolau Tîm – ymchwil Rhestr Hunan-welediad Felly? ADEILADU TŴR BACH . . . 1, 2, 3 . . . Team roles – research Self Perception Inventory So? BUILDING A SMALL TOWER . . 1, 2, 3 . . .