Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Monday 24 September 2018 #DeterminedHappySuccessful
Bring it On! If you want to be part of the first round of auditions for ‘Bring it On’ and haven’t put your name down yet, you must see Miss Wood today. Auditions will take place in Music after school on Thursday for solo singing roles only. Times will be up in Music tomorrow. Miss Wood
College Pupils – Change of finish time With the exception of the Foundation Apprenticeships at Granton & Midlothian Campuses – from Tuesday 25 September, courses will finish at 4pm. Taxis will be booked for 4pm. Anyone with any questions should see Miss Bones. Starting time is unaltered. Miss Bones
Personal Statement Workshop This Edinburgh University Workshop will take place on Tuesday 25th September in the Assembly Hall (Period 1). All pupils who are applying to University this year are welcome to attend. Permission must be given from your class teacher. Mrs Frame
Achievement Challenge 1 The 5km Challenge Event is on Friday 28 September at 1.15pm. Run or Walk – the choice is yours! Sign up in PE. Miss Maclaine
Peer Supporters Could all peer supporters collect a playground rota and dates for their anti-bullying lessons from Ms Preston as soon as possible. Ms Preston