Code of Conduct Grade 5 2016
How to make good use of Our Code of Conduct Booklets You have a responsibility to: • understand the sentences on each page and what is expected of you as a member of our school • complete each page neatly • follow our rules in your day to day activities both at school and on excursions etc. At school we should: • feel safe • care about others • respect others • co-operate with others • value the differences in others • follow good leadership displayed in others • develop strong friendships with others • learn about our place in our community • be committed to life-long learning By following our Code Of Conduct, you are helping us to: • support each other to follow our 5Cs • have a whole school approach to learning and playing happily and safely together • work together to make Apollo Parkways Primary School a great school There are consequences for not following our school’s Code of Conduct. I am aware of these consequences. Use Explain Everything or Draw to sign and date this agreement and insert it here
The 5Cs Caring Courtesy Co-operation Contribution CONSIDERATION Listed below are our school values. Show your creativity and bling your list! Caring Courtesy Co-operation Contribution CONSIDERATION
Classroom Rules We make our classroom rules with our teacher. They help us to learn and get along with one another. Use Comic Life to design a poster to display your classroom rules. When complete embed an image of your poster in the space above.
Manners Be polite, considerate and respectful of all others including teachers, peers and visitors to the school. Write a list of 10 manners that you like displayed to you. Place them in order from 10 to 1 with the one you consider most important at the top.
School rules help keep us safe and able to have fun. In Grade 5 we have rules to protect our iPads too. In the morning, from 8.30 a.m., when we arrive at school we put our iPads safely into the filing cabinet in our classroom. Our iPads remain inside during recess and lunchtime so we can play. Take a photo of you putting your iPad in the filing cabinet insert it onto the iPad screen to the left.
Read our school’s anti bullying practices on the following two slides. Behaviour Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. This includes cyberbullying. Bullying includes: verbal or written putdowns exclusion of others victimising others physical and online harassment unwanted physical contact Read our school’s anti bullying practices on the following two slides. Design a poster in Comic Life to give your buddy, with a message of how to behave in the playground. The focus for Prep is being a good friend. The focus for Grade 1 is caring for your friends. Embed an image of your poster into this slide.
identification with Apollo Parkways Primary School. Uniform We should take pride in wearing our correct school uniform. Our uniform gives us a sense of identification with Apollo Parkways Primary School. Jewellery is not part of school uniform and coloured nail polish should not be worn at school. Use Draw to create a symbol that could be displayed around the school to show that we understand that it isn’t safe to wear jewellery when we play on equipment or during sporting activities. Insert the symbol above.
Being punctual demonstrates consideration for others. Punctuality Being punctual demonstrates consideration for others. Be punctual to class, specialist classes, meetings, sport and assembly. List three things that you do to ensure you are punctual. Write some tips to help someone who is late to class after the bell.
Water helps us stay healthy and hydrated. Health and hydration Water helps us stay healthy and hydrated. Can you research why water and hydration is important to your health? Write a couple of sentences to summarise your findings. Include an image and don’t forget to site both sources.
Responsibility Take care of your own belongings. Be considerate and respect the belongings of others. Take photos of your three most treasured belongings. - insert the image/s How would you feel if you lent them to someone and they gave them back to you damaged or broken? Why is it important to look after the belongings of others?
In Grade 5 we should develop more responsibility for ourselves. What are some of your responsibilities at home? 1. 2. 3. Rate your level of responsibility. Bold the description that best fits you. At home I am very responsible I am responsible most of the time. I am not very responsible What new job can you take on at home that will help you to be more responsible?
Leadership - Qualities We are all leaders in Grade 5 Highlight the words that you think best describe you. helpful creative honest organized athletic determined happy careful brave serious confident enthusiastic sensitive responsible funny kind Ask a friend to tell you what they think are your best qualities. Write the qualities they admire in you in the four blank boxes above.
Leadership We are role models in Grade 5. Younger students look to us to model appropriate behaviour, work habits, manners and adherence to school rules. I can do the following to be a good role model at Apollo Parkways Primary School.
Technology & internet @ apollo Cybersafety @ apollo Technology & internet @ apollo When I use my iPad, technologies and the internet, I have responsibilities and rules to follow. I agree to: • use the Internet at school to help me to learn • use the technology at school for learning, use the equipment properly and not interfere with the work or data of another student • keep myself and my friends safe by not giving out personal details including full names, telephone numbers, addresses and images and protecting my password • not bring or download unauthorised programs, including games, to the school or run them on school computers • only use websites as directed by my teacher • remember that the content on the web is someone’s property and ask my teacher to help me get permission if I want to use information or pictures • think carefully about what I read on the Internet, question if it is from a reliable source and use the information to help me answer any questions (I should not copy and paste the information as my answer). • talk to my teacher or another adult if: o I need help online o I am not sure what I should be doing on the Internet o I come across sites which are not suitable for our school o someone writes something I don’t like, or makes me and my friends feel uncomfortable or asks me to provide information that I know is private. o I feel that the welfare of other students at the school is being threatened by online activities • be respectful in how I talk to and work with others online and never write or participate in online bullying • be respectful in the photos I take or video I capture and never use them as a tool for bullying I acknowledge and agree to follow these rules. I understand that I may not be able to access the internet or related technologies at school if I do not act responsibly. Use Explain Everything or Draw to sign and date this agreement and insert it here as an image.