Cross Sectional Anatomy for CT and MRI Imaging Specialists Cross Sectional Anatomy Course for Imaging Professionals Montgomery College - Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus Customer Service/Registration - (240) 567-5188 Course Information- Kathy Lewandowski (240) 567-5565 Cross Sectional Anatomy for CT and MRI Imaging Specialists This 15 hour course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of cross sectional anatomy for imaging specialists. The course will cover sectional anatomy for the entire human body. Required Textbook is Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals by Lorrie Kelley and Connie Petersen. Approval for 15 CEUS through ASRT is pending approval. Tuition waiver applies; seniors pay fee only. We have a new instructor and online tools for support. HSC Room 423. REGISTRATION OPTIONS OPTION 1: Web Registration Questions? Call 240-567-5188 If you are paying by credit card, you can register on the Web. Go to Click on "Register by Web" Follow the appropriate directions depending on if you are a new student or a returning student OPTION 2: In-Person Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, Health Sciences Building Room 134 : 8:30am-7pm, Mon.-Thurs.; 8:30am-5pm, Fri. Westfield South, 11002 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 306, Wheaton: 8:30am-7pm, Mon-Thurs; 8:30am-5pm, Fri; 9am-5pm, Sat Course #: AHT 195 CRN# 423 Cost: $225 + $75 fee = $300.00; Non-residents: Add $160 Saturdays, 6/23/2012 through 7/21/2012, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.