Chairperson – Sustainability Working Group Jason Convey Chairperson – Sustainability Working Group Highways Term Maintenance Association
Introduction About the HTMA About the Sustainability Working Group What we have completed so far The Five Capitals of Sustainability The Way Forward
About HTMA We are the trade body for the UK highways management and maintenance industry. Formed in 2005 to promote the positive contribution that the highways management and maintenance industry makes to the nation. 22 full and currently 13 associate members who account for over 80% of the highways maintenance workload undertaken in Great Britain – in excess of 190,000km of roads. The industry employs around 30,000 people and the annual value of works is over £3.6 billion. We are the trade body for the UK highways management and maintenance industry. Formed in 2005 to promote the positive contribution that the highways management and maintenance industry makes to the nation. 22 full and currently 13 associate members who account for over 80% of the highways maintenance workload undertaken in Great Britain – in excess of 190,000km of roads. The industry employs around 30,000 people and the annual value of works is over £3.6 billion.
Members We are the trade body for the UK highways management and maintenance industry. Formed in 2005 to promote the positive contribution that the highways management and maintenance industry makes to the nation. 22 full and currently 13 associate members who account for over 80% of the highways maintenance workload undertaken in Great Britain – in excess of 190,000km of roads. The industry employs around 30,000 people and the annual value of works is over £3.6 billion.
Associate Members
About HTMA Working Groups People and Skills Asset Management Health, Safety & Welfare Service delivery Sustainability
Some of the Sustainability Groups achievements Sustainable highways maintenance tool Water monitoring and management toolkit Green Driving Booklet Sustainable Travel Plan Improving Our Environment - Sustainable Highways Maintenance DVD HTMA Sustainability Charter The HTMA Water Toolkit is designed to heighten awareness of the level of water usage in highways maintenance operations with the aim of improving the monitoring, measurement and wastage of water.
HTMA Sustainability Charter Original Sustainable Charter developed in 2009 High level targets Metrics developed over 13 KPIs relating to broad sustainability aims Relatively easy to achieve No real emphasis on continuous improvement Original Sustainability charter completed in 2009 As part of the HTMA’s positive contribution to the highways management and maintenance industry, it believes all projects should be designed “to meet the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Bruntland Declaration, 1987). This approach to sustainability involves embracing opportunities and managing risks derived from economic, environmental and social development. The very nature of the HTMA’s work means that improving the living standards of local communities and reducing impacts on the environment are high on the agenda across the whole industry. The metrics were developed covering the broad sustainability topics which on reflection are relatively broad in their subject matter. The KPIS covered some basic requirements in relation to CR and other policies, waste, EMS, H&S and procurement. The KPIs that were developed were very high level and through the provision of a policy many of the kpis were achieved without any real opportunity beyond this level of compliance. As a result of this the KPIs became relatively stagnant
A different approach… Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals The Five Capitals Natural Capital Human Capital Social Capital Manufactured Capital Financial Capital The Five Capitals Model provides a basis for understanding sustainability in terms of the economic concept of wealth creation or ‘capital’. Any organisation will use five types of capital to deliver its products or services. A sustainable organisation will maintain and where possible enhance these stocks of capital assets, rather than deplete or degrade them. The model allows business to broaden its understanding of financial sustainability by allowing business to consider how wider environmental and social issues can affect long-term profitability. The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it ís important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030. Click on any specific Goal below to learn more about each issue. Goal 1 – No Poverty Goal 2 – Zero Hunger Goal 3 – Good health and Well being Goal 4 – Quality Education Goal 5 – Gender Equality Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infra structure Goal 10 – Reduced Inequities Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities Goal 12 – Responsible Production and Consumption Goal 13 – Climate Action Goal 14 – Life Below Water Goal 15 – Life an Land Goal 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong institutions Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals
A different approach… The five Capitals of Sustainability Natural Capital Natural capital is the natural resources and processes needed to sustain human life and to deliver our services Human Capital Human capital is about people; their health and wellbeing, knowledge, skills and contribution to our industry 1 Natural Natural capital is the natural resources and processes needed to sustain human life and to deliver our services (e.g. soil, air, water and plants, photosynthesis and animals). We will work with our clients and stakeholders to: » Improve Air Quality – Measure – No active monitoring to Design of projects that minimise air quality impacts throughout lifecycle » Promote net biodiversity gain and environmental enhancement – no monitoring to net gain » Mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change 2 Human Human capital is about people; their health and wellbeing, knowledge, skills and contribution to our industry. Human Capital is also about joy, passion, empathy and spirituality. We will work with our clients and stakeholders to: » Improve health, wellbeing and safety for both the general public and the workforce » Cultivate an inclusive and diverse workforce, which provides fair and open opportunities for all » Collaborate to enhance sustainability skills across the industry
A different approach… The five Capitals of Sustainability Social Capital Social capital is any value/benefits added to the activities and economic outputs of our industry through collaboration and co- operation Manufactured Capital Manufactured capital is the physical resources and owned assets that are used in the delivery of our services. 3 Social Social capital is any value/benefits added to the activities and economic outputs of our industry through collaboration and co-operation. We will work with our clients and stakeholders to: » Enhance delivery of Social Value outcomes » Respond to changing social needs and expectations of a highway network » Strengthen customer experience » Facilitate a collaborative approach to delivering healthy living spaces/places » Minimise disruption and provide safer journeys 4 Manufactured Manufactured capital is the physical resources and owned assets that are used in the delivery of our services. We will work with our clients and stakeholders to: » Progressively move towards a circular economy » Work with our supply chain to embed sustainability principles in all decision-making » Embracing technology and innovation to achieve more sustainable outcomes such as ‘Smart Cities’, digital working and the ‘Internet of Things’ Actively adopting and implementing innovation in a Business as ~Usual” manner » Understand the embedded carbon within projects
A different approach… The five Capitals of Sustainability Financial Capital Financial capital is delivering long term sustainable solutions, enhancing business growth that supports local and national economies = 5 Financial Financial capital is delivering long term sustainable solutions, enhancing business growth that supports local and national economies. We will work with our clients and stakeholders to: » Embed long term sustainability principles into business models and investment decisions » Effectively manage risk and incorporate resilience into asset management » Adopt whole life costing approach in asset management decision-making, ensuring these approaches account for wider sustainability criteria
A different approach… The five Capitals of Sustainability Challenging Forward and Progressive Open to review and to move with the industry Focused to ensure progress within all the HTMA members = 5 Financial Financial capital is delivering long term sustainable solutions, enhancing business growth that supports local and national economies. We will work with our clients and stakeholders to: » Embed long term sustainability principles into business models and investment decisions » Effectively manage risk and incorporate resilience into asset management » Adopt whole life costing approach in asset management decision-making, ensuring these approaches account for wider sustainability criteria
Moving Forward… Work with the EA to develop some industry guidance on Gulley waste Development of thought-pieces on environmental and sustainable challenges within the industry Air Quality Plastics in the Highway Environment