“Tell all the Truth but tell it slant” “Apparently with no surprise” Dickinson
Dickinson Apparently with… Tell all the Truth… What does Dickinson mean by “accidental”? What is a blonde Assassin? How does the poet personify the following: Flower Frost Sun What kind of person does each of the above seem to be compared to? According to the speaker, how does God feel about the flower’s beheading? How does the speaker feel? What is the speaker saying about God’s attitude toward nature? Describe the tone of the poem. Tell all the Truth… Define slant as it is used in the poem. How is telling something slant different from lying? What is the difference between “slant the truth” and “telling it slant”? Explain lines 2-3. Rephrase lines 5-6 to make a full sentence. According to the last two lines, why must the truth be told “slant”? Define dazzle and blind according to the poem. What figure of speech is used in line 7? What is the “Truth” being compared to?