SS 2018 Software Verification SAT & FOL Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff 1,2 Dr. Esteban Pavese 1 (1) Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität (2) Fraunhofer Institut für offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS
Some Questions for Recap What is a formal method? Can you give the syntax of propositional logic? Give a wff of PL of length at least 5! Translate the following into proper PL: ((pq)(pq)) What are the literals in the above formula? Can you describe the semantics of PL? What is the complexity of boolean satisfiability?
Propositional Calculus Various calculi have been proposed boolean satisfiability (SAT) algorithms tableau systems, natural deduction, enumeration of valid formulæ Hilbert-style axiom system ⊢ (()) (weakening) ⊢ ((()) (()())) (distribution) ⊢ (¬¬) (excluded middle) , () ⊢ (modus ponens) Derivability All substitution instances of axioms are derivable If all antecedents of a rule are derivable, so is the consequent
An Example Derivation Show ⊢ (pp) ⊢(p((pp)p))((p(pp))(pp)) (dis) ⊢(p((pp)p)) (wea) ⊢((p(pp))(pp)) (1,2,mp) ⊢(p(pp)) (wea) ⊢(pp) (3,4,mp)
Alternativen zu (excluded middle) ⊢ (¬¬) ⊢ (¬¬) (Doppelnegation) ⊢ ((¬¬) ()) (Kontraposition) ⊢ ((¬¬) ((¬) )) ⊢ ((¬)), ⊢ (() ((¬) )) (v. Neumann) ⊢ ( ) (ex falsum quodlibet, schwächer)
Correctness and Completeness Only valid formulæ can be derived Induction on the length of the derivation Show that all axiom instances are valid, and that the consequent of (mp) is valid if both antecedents are Completeness: ⊨ ⊢ All valid formulæ can be derived Show that consistent formulæ are satisfiable ~⊢¬ ~⊨¬
Consistency and Satisfiability A finite set Φ of formulæ is consistent, if ~⊢¬ΛΦ Extension lemma: If Φ is a finite consistent set of formulæ and is any formula, then Φ{} or Φ{¬} is consistent Assume ⊢¬(Φ) and ⊢¬(Φ¬). Then ⊢(Φ¬) and ⊢(Φ¬¬). Therefore ⊢¬Φ, a contradiction. Let SF() be the set of all subformulæ of For any consistent , let # be a maximal consistent extension of (i.e., # and for every SF(), either #or ¬#. (Existence guaranteed by extension lemma)
Canonical models For a maximal consistent set #, the canonical model CM(#) is defined by I(p)=true iff p#. Truth lemma: For any SF(), I()=true iff # Case =p: by construction Case =: Φ{} cannot be consistent Case =(12): by induction hypothesis and derivation Therefore, if is consistent, then for any maximal consistent set #, CM(#)⊨ any consistent formula is satisfiable any unsatisfiable formula is inconsistent any valid formula is derivable
Example: Combinational Circuits Pictures taken from: Multiplexer S selects whether I0 or I1 is output to Y Y = if S then I1 else I0 end (Y((SI1)(¬SI0))) S I0 I1 Y - 1
Boolean Specifications Evaluator (output is 1 if input matches a certain binary value) Encoder (output i is set if binary number i is on input lines) Majority function (output is 1 if half or more of the inputs are 1) Comparator (output is 1 if input0 > input1) Half-Adder, Full-Adder, …
Software Example Code generator optimization Loop optimization if (p and q) then if (r) then x else y else if (q or r) then y else if (p and not r) then x else y Loop optimization
Verification of Boolean Functions Latch-Up: can a certain line go up? does (¬L0) hold? is (L0) satisfiable? Given , ; does () hold? usually reduced to SAT: is ((¬)(¬)) satisfiable? efficient SAT-solver exist (annual competition) partitioning techniques any output depends only on some inputs find which ones generate test patterns (BIST: built-in-self-test)
Propositional Resolution A clause is a disjunction of literals Resolution rule: Given two clauses C1=(x1 ... xn p) (or (¬p x1 ... xn)) C2=(y1 ... ym ¬p) (or (p y1 ... yn)) infer C3=(x1 ... xn y1 ... ym) If the empty clause is derivable, the set of clauses is unsatifiable ((x) = (x ))
SAT Solving DPLL solvers backtracking-based resolution: let R be a set of clauses, p a proposition R = ((R p) (R ¬p)) unit propagation: no backtracking necessary pure literal elimination: p only positive or only negative from wikipedia
Optimizing Boolean Functions Given ; find such that () holds and is „optimal“ much harder question optimal wrt. speed / size / power /… translation to normal form (e.g., OBDD)
Predicate Logic used to formalize mathematical reasoning dates back to Frege (1879) „Begriffsschrift“ „Eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens“ individuals, predicates (sets of individuals), relations (sets of pairs), ... quantification of statements (quantum = how much) all, none, at least one, at most one, some, most, many, ... need for variables to denote “arbitrary” objects In contrast to propositional logic, first-order logic adds structure to basic propositions quantification on (infinite) domains
FOL: Syntax New syntactic elements R is a set of relation symbols, where each pR has an arity nN0 V is a denumerable set of (first-order or individual) variables An atomic formula is p(x1,…,xn), where pR is n-ary and (x1,…,xn)Vn. Syntax of first-order logic FOL ::= R (Vn) | | (FOL FOL) | V FOL
FOL: Syntax Abbreviations and parenthesis as in PL Of course, x = ¬x ¬ Propositions = 0-ary relations Predicates = 1-ary relations if all predicates are propositions, then FOL = PL Examples xxx (p() x(q() p())) xxy ¬p(x) xy (p(x,y) p(y,x)) (xy p(x,y) yx p(x,y))
Typed FOL Often, types/sorts are used to differentiate domains Signature =(D, F, R), where D is a (finite) set of domain names F is a set of function symbols, where each fF has an arity nN0 and a type DDn+1 0-ary functions are called constants R is a set of relation symbols, where each pR has an arity nN0 and a type DDn unary relations are called predicates propositions can be seen as 0-ary relations Remark: domains and types are for ease of use only (can be simulated in an untyped setting by additional predicates)
Terms and Formulas Let again V be a (denumerable) set of (first-order) variables, where each variable has a type DD (written as x:D) (for any type, there is an unlimited supply of variables of that type) The notions Term and Atomic Formula AtF are defined recursively: each variable of type D is a term of type D if f is an n-ary function symbol of type (D1,…Dn,Dn+1) and t1, …, tn are terms of type D1, …, Dn, then f(t1,…,tn) is a term of type Dn+1 if p is an n-ary relation symbol of type (D1,…Dn) and t1, …, tn are terms of type D1, …, Dn, then p(t1,…,tn) is an atomic formula Revised syntax of first-order logic FOL ::= AtF | | (FOL FOL) | V:D FOL
Examples x:Boy y:Girl loves(x,y) x:Human y:Human (needs(x,y) loves(y,x)) x,y:Int equals(plus(x,y), plus(y,x)) x:Int ¬equals(zero(), succ(x)) …