Islamic Academy of Coventry The Importance of عيسى ῾Īsā S In Islām *Enter Date*
The Islāmic Aqīdah - belief Angels Life after Death الله Fate Day of Judgement Prophets
Why is it important that we learn about ῾Īsā S ? We live in a country where there are lots of different religions Many children attend Faith based Schools which teach a different narrative on ῾Īsā S Important that we educate ourselves and our children so we know the difference in belief between Islām and the other religions Many Christian people don’t know the importance of ῾Īsā S and Maryam J so by learning about them, we can inform others as well.
Points of Discussion The Status of ῾Īsā S in the three monotheistic religions The Birth of ῾Īsā S The Death\Resurrection of ῾Īsā S
The Status of ῾Īsā S in the three monotheistic religions Not a Prophet Part of the Trinity – The son of God A Great Prophet of Allāh
The Lineage of ῾Īsā S 3rd Surah of the Qur’ān – Surah Āl Imrān Who was Imrān ? Father of Maryam J Passed away before she was born
The Birth of Maryam I “When the wife of Imrān said, Oh my lord, indeed I have pledged for you whatever is in my womb, consecrated (meaning for your service) so accept it from me, indeed you are the all hearing all knowing”
The Birth of Maryam I “So when she delivered here, she said oh my lord I have delivered a female, and Allāh was most knowing of what she delivered, and the male is not like a female. And Indeed I have named her Maryam and I seek refuge for her in you and for her progeny from Shayṭān the outcast”
Maryam I Hannah – the name of the mother of Maryam I Only woman to have a whole Surah named after her in the Qur’ān Her name is mentioned 34 times in the Qur’ān Holds a very high and respected position in Islām
The upbringing of Maryam I Zakariyyah S Zakariyyah S – married to the sister of Hannah
Who will look after Maryam J? “And you were not with them when they cast their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Maryam J and nor were you with them when they disputed”
Fruits from out of Season “Whenever Zakariyah entered the arch (the miḥrāb), he found that she had food, he said to Maryam J where did you get this from? She said it is from Allāh, Indeed Allāh gives to whoever he chooses without measure
The Supplication of Zakariyyah S “He said oh my lord, grant me from you, a good progeny, (meaning a child) indeed you are the hearer of supplication” Yaḥyā S
The visit from the Angel And when the Angel said, Oh Maryam indeed Allāh has chosen you and purified you and chosen you over all the women of the world Oh Maryam, stand in devotion to Allāh and prostrate and bow with those who bow
Glad tidings of a child The angel then said to Maryam that Allāh is giving you good news of a word from him, whose name is Masīḥ ῾Īsā ibn Maryam, a man of status in this world and in the hereafter one of the nearest He will talk to people in his cradle and in his middle age and will be one of the righteous
Glad tidings of a child Now when Maryam J was given this news, she was surprised as she was not married and had never been touched by a man. The angel told her that is how Allāh creates whatever he wishes, all he has to say is be and it will happen
Surah Maryam And mention (oh Muḥammad H), in the book of Maryam, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the east. And she took in seclusion from them a screen and we sent to her our Angel (Jibrīl ) and he represented to herself as a well-proportioned man
Surah Maryam So Allāh sent down Jibrīl in the form of a man and when Maryam J saw him, she got scared about his intentions as she did not know who he was so she said “I seek refuge with the Raḥmān against you if you are God Fearing”. He said I am but a Message bearer from your Lord sent to give you a boy purified
Surah Maryam She said how shall I have a boy while no human has ever touched me nor have I ever been unchaste? He said “So it is, your Lord Said, ‘it is easy for me and so that we make is a sign for people and a mercy from us” So she conceived him and withdrew to a remote place
The Birth of ῾Īsā S And the pains of child birth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree, she said oh I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten Then he called her from beneath her, do not grieve, your lord has placed below you a stream And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree, will fall upon you ripe fresh dates
The Birth of ῾Īsā S So eat and drink and be contented, and if you see from man anyone, say I have made a vow of abstinence so I will not talk to anyone today
The Birth of ῾Īsā S ῾Īsā S spoke in the cradle Maryam J told not speak to people but point to the child ῾Īsā S spoke in the cradle
Difference between Islamic & Christian beliefs regarding the birth of ῾Īsā S No mention of Joseph who in Christianity was betrothed to Maryam J No mention of the 3 wise men who came bearing gift of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh No mention of following the star No mention of birth in a Manger
The Raising of ῾Īsā S in the three monotheistic religions Arrested and Crucified Arrested, Crucified then resurrected Was not killed on the cross but raised up to heaven by Allāh
The Festival of Easter Oldest Christian festival focussing on the death and resurrection of ῾Īsā S Easter also known as Pasch Remember in Islām, we do not believe in the Crucifixion or Resurrection
Why does the date for Easter change each year ? Based on the Lunar Calendar Easter Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon on or after March 21st This year it will be April 1st 2018 Next year April 21st 2018
What is Lent ? Mirrors the period when Christians believe ῾Īsā S spent fasting in the desert for 40 days Christians busy themselves in Prayer, Fasting and Charity Nowadays, a vice is given up i.e. biscuits, chocolate etc. The 40 days do not include Sundays, as this is the day of resurrection so not appropriate to fast This year began on 14th February and finishes 29th March
Shrove Tuesday Day before Lent is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake day ! People used to eat pancakes before Lent to prepare for the fasting Nowadays people just make and eat pancakes !
Ash Wednesday The day when Lent starts ! Palm leaves burnt on Palm Sunday the previous year The ash from the leaves are then marked as a cross on the foreheads with the words “Remember that you are from dust, and to dust you shall return”
Palm Sunday ῾Īsā S came to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
Maundy or Holy Thursday Had Last Supper with disciples Then went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane Judas Escariot betrayed him, he marked him out by kissing him Was made to stand trial in front of the Sanhedrin a Jewish Judicial Body Roman Governor Pontius Pilate reluctantly passes sentence of death
Good or Holy Friday Jesus was made to carry the cross to a place called Golgotha Jesus was then Crucified After he died, he was taken off the cross and shrouded Buried in a Cave Tomb and large rock placed over opening
Easter Sunday Rock had moved and body was not there The day the Christians believe ῾Īsā S was Resurrected
What does Islām say about the death of ῾Īsā S When Allāh said: "O ` ῾Īsā! I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve, and I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve till the Day of Resurrection. Then you will return to Me and I will judge between you in the matters in which you used to dispute
What does Islām say about the death of ῾Īsā S And there saying indeed we have killed the Messiah, ῾Īsā Ibn Maryam the messenger of Allāh, and they did not kill him, nor did they Crucify him, but was made to resemble him to them. And indeed those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption, and they did not kill him for certain.
What does Islām say about the death of ῾Īsā S ῾Īsā S was not crucified but a likeness of him was crucified in his place Two opinions mentioned in Ibn Kathīr A young disciple volunteered to look like ῾Īsā S and took his place Judas Escariot, the one who betrayed ῾Īsā was made to look like him and crucified in his place
Difference between Islāmic & Christian beliefs regarding belief of ῾Īsā S We do NOT believe ῾Īsā S is God, the Son of God or part of the Trinity, he never even claimed to be any of them. He was a Great Prophet of Allāh He was born miraculously without a father He was given several miracles by Allāh , he could cure the leper and the blind, he could make birds out of clay and raise the dead There is no proof he was born on the 25th of December He was not crucified but raised to Heaven by Allāh He is alive and will descend before the end of time He will establish a just and prosperous rule and follow the teachings of Muḥammad G
Jazākamullāhu Khayra for attending