SUPA STORY Adapted from the iconography of the Walpiri people of Central Australia (With thanks to Australian Indigenous Ministries)
This is the symbol for a person This is the symbol for a person. It’s the mark you leave when you get up from sitting in the sand!
Here are two people in relationship
Here are two people who don’t like each other Here are two people who don’t like each other. They have turned their “backbones” to each other.
This is the symbol for God (3 persons in one - Father, Son & Holy Spirit) The dotted lines represent spirit.
God was thinking
God was thinking about family
God was thinking about family for himself
So he created man
And he created woman
And they were in relationship with GOD.
But there was someone else in the garden. Satan deceived the man and the woman.
And they turned their backs on God.
And sin entered in to the world …… … breaking the relationship and placing a barrier between man and God
And ever since we have been walking away from God
But God sent Jesus as a baby, born to Mary & Joseph ⬆ coolamon
Jesus grew up and was baptised by John in the Jordan river and the Holy Spirit descended on him.
and cast out evil spirits. He taught God’s good message to many people, healed the sick, raised the dead and cast out evil spirits. ll l:l ; l message stick
He died on a cross and was buried in a tomb ✝ ll l:l ; l
✝ But he rose from the dead and appeared to many people. ll l:l ; l
And through Jesus, be part of God’s family again So now if we turn to Jesus we can be forgiven And through Jesus, be part of God’s family again
God’s family here on earth is called ‘The Church’. Local churches are gatherings of people who with the help of the Holy Spirit want to learn how to walk God’s way and share his message with others
One day God will sit down with his people forever. God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. - John 3:16