Genetics Protein Project Rob Krüg Period ? 10/10/09 Trefz
Amino acid sequence:
Structure: Actin is basically a ball. When actin molecules bind each other, they form a spiral called a filament. Actin filaments come together to form bundles or fibers. These structures are so big that they can be seen in cells with a microscope.
Functions: To form one of the three parts of the cytoskeleton, which gives support to cells, and supports signal transduction. To allow cell motility. In muscle cells to be the scaffold for myosin proteins to support muscle contraction. In non-muscle cells as a track for cargo transport myosins.
Other animals that use actin: All mammals Most yeasts have one actin gene
Why I chose this protein I chose this protein mainly because it is easy to pronounce but also because it has a very important function in cells.