Interactive Notebooks What Are They—And What’s the Point? How to Set Up Your Notebook for Theatre Class
Interactive Notebooks Are a place to record information Help you process ideas and make connections Help you become independent, creative thinkers and communicators
Why? Taking notes ≠ learning material This note-taking is more active; active = learning Organized note-taking is an important career skill Allows you to be playful and creative Reminder to absorb ideas
How will it help me? Condense and summarize information Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information Compare/contrast information Make connections Collect presentation ideas for later Portfolio of learning
What do I need? A spiral notebook OR A 3-ring binder and lined paper Highlighters Colored pencils or pens or markers Scissors, tape and/or glue
Two Sides of the Notebook The Right Side = information from class and work; is teacher directed; includes testable or quizzable items The Left Side = connections you make; questions you have; is student directed; includes interpretations and responses to learning
Title Page First page (or the front cover) Write This Down! First page (or the front cover) Title of class, class period, student’s name, symbols or pictures related to course
Table of Contents 1-2 Pages at front of notebook with name of activity Write This Down! 1-2 Pages at front of notebook with name of activity date of activity page number
The Right Side (Acquiring) Write This Down! Record notes from: class and group discussion and lecture reading video or audio Communication terms to know Assignments Peer Evaluations of Performances
The Left Side (Processing) Write This Down! Reading responses and journals Graphic organizers and diagrams Pictures, cartoons, songs, poems Connected or related ideas Reflections, quotes, perspectives Mnemonic devices, memory aids
What are examples of left-side work? Illustrated definitions Inner Monologues Cause/effect charts List of Tactics Descriptions of Given Circumstances Personal responses Concept web Connect to today Drawn/Clip art Comic strips Venn diagram Self-Reflective Response
Handouts Handouts should be hole punched or glued/taped into your notebook on the appropriate side (right or left) All must be dated, numbered, and included in Table of Contents
Extra Effort Illustrate your notes with pictures of literary figures, or Map sketches, or Cartoons, or Color and highlighting, etc. Organized notes and subtopics
Is this for a grade? YES! Collected every unit and spot checked for specific assignments Evaluated on: Correctness, Critical Thinking, Completeness, Organization Work must be original
What if I’m absent? Notebook assignments MUST be made up! Check with me (not during class) Check with classmates Check with Cooperescue’s Notebook