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Presentation transcript:


What is a Participle? A participle is a verbal adjective. In other words, it’s a verb that is turned into an adjective.

In English For present participles, we usually add an ‘-ing’ to the end of a Verb to make a Participle. Can you give me examples?

What does the participle do? What does a participle tell us? The singing poet The ruling king The learning student The student learning the present participle running bull laughing cow The people running in the streets are crazy.

Qualities of a Verbal Adjective As a verbal adjective, a participle has some qualities of a verb AND an adjective. Since it is Verbal, it has tense like a verb. It also has voice which we’ll talk about in the next chapter. Since it’s an adjective, it has case, number, and gender.

How to Form Present Participles Go to the second principal part of 1st, 2nd and regular 3rd conjugation verbs. Drop the ‘-re’ Add ‘-ns’ and ‘-ntis’ for the nominative and genitive singular forms. The rest of the cases decline like a 3rd Declension Adjective. Examples: amare: amans, amantis, amanti, amantem, amanti (-e) manere: manens, manentis, manenti, manentem, agere: agens, agentis, agenti, agentem, etc.

-io Verb Exception Go to the second principal part. Drop the ‘-ere’ or the ‘-ire’ Add ‘-iens’ and ‘-ientis’ for the nominative and genitive singular forms. The rest of the cases decline like a 3rd Declension Adjective. Examples: fugio, fugere: fugiens, fugientis, fugienti, etc. audio, audire: audiens, audientis, audienti, audientem, etc.

Go to the second principal part, and drop the ‘-ere’ or the ‘-ire’ -io Verb Exception Go to the second principal part, and drop the ‘-ere’ or the ‘-ire’ Add: Nom. -iens -ientes (-ientia) Gen. -ientis -ientium Dat. -ienti -ientibus Accus. -ientem (-iens) -ientes (-ientia) Abl. -ienti /-iente -ientibus

Translations puella ambulans = The walking girl The girl walking The girl who is walking

A participle can have an object rex cenam edens est laetus = The king eating dinner is happy. The king who is eating dinner is happy. The king is happy because he is eating dinner. The king is happy when eating dinner. The king is happy although he’s eating dinner.

Conjugate the following participle: amo, amare, amavi, amatus amans amantis amanti amantem amante amantes amantum amantibus

Conjugate the following participle: ago, agere, egi, actus agens agentis agenti agentem agente agentes agentum agentibus

The loving dogs love their loving master. Put into Latin: The loving dogs love their loving master. amans amantis amanti amantem amante amantes amantum amantibus The loving dogs = amantes canes They love = amant Their loving owner = amantem dominum

Put into Latin: The shipping ship ships shipping ships. portans portantis portanti portantem portante portantes portantum portantibus The shipping ship = portans navis It ships = portat shipping ships = portantes naves