The Colonists Goals: Why did the settlers leave their homeland to come to the new world? What influenced their experience when they arrived? What were some historical influences on the development of the government.
Historical Foundations (Part I) Native Americans: First people to occupy the Western Hemisphere. There lives were influenced by their environment. (agriculture, fishing, hunting) Religious beliefs were closely linked to nature. Strong social organization based on ties between extended families. (tribes)
Trade and Alliances: Relations between the colonists and Native Americans centered around trade, alliances or warfare. The survival of the English settlers depended on the Natives crops. (corn, squash) The survival of Jamestown (1607), the first English settlement heavily depended on the supply of the Algonquin Indians.
Views and Values: Land control was the central conflict between the Natives and the colonists. Natives believed that land should be shared and used for the good of everyone. They felt it could not be bought or sold. Also, culturally, Europeans believed they had superior technology and tried to convert many natives to Christianity.
Warfare: Profitable tobacco farming led settlers to move into Native American land. King Phillips War- Native Americans threatened by the growing # of settlers launched a 2 year war. French and Indian War-War between England & France and their Native American Allies. The settlers sided with the English. Fought over land in North America.
The Colonists Who came to the Colonies? Most of the settlers that arrived were from England. Also many people from Ireland, Germany, France, Portugal, Sweden Scotland. Also indentured servants-Europeans who contracted to work for as many as 7 years to pay their passage to the new world. Africans brought against their will as slaves.
Why did they come? Religious Reasons: Pilgrims-People who had left the church of England. (Massachusetts) Puritans-People who wanted to “purify” the Church of England. (New England) Quakers-Simple, peaceful people who practiced religious tolerance and non-violence. (Pennsylvania)
Economic Reasons: Many people wanted new opportunity economically. The founding of Virginia, New Netherlands(NY) and North and South Carolina was based on economic motives. Georgia was settled by debtors- people who owed money to the governments in Europe.
Political Reasons: Separatists and Puritans fled their homeland because they were being persecuted by their governments. Quakers, Catholics, French Huguenots and Jews came to escape religious intolerance and governmental persecution.
What influenced their Experiences? Geography – people chose their place to live based on the geography of North America. Traditions/Culture- people brought with them their cultural traditions and tended to settle together. Distance – Transportation was difficult so family and farming became an important aspect of colonial life.
Colonial Settlement New England CT, RI, VT, NH, MA, ME Influenced heavily by religion. Strict moral codes were enforced. Cold climate and poor soil challenged farmers. Many settled by the coast. Boston/ New Haven Diverse economy based on farming, Fishing, and ship building.
Middle Colonies: NY, NJ, PENN Diverse population- Dutch, Germans, Irish. Better soil allowed for better farming. Exported wheat and corn which helped build up New York and Pennsylvania.
Southern Colonies: Del, MD,VA,NC,SC, GA Agriculture flourished based on tobacco, indigo, and rice. Cultivated first by indentured servants and later by Africans. Tobacco became the best cash crop (AKA King Tobacco) helped build the South to be the wealthiest of the colonies.
Questions 1. Explain what the relationship was like between the Native Americans and the early colonists? 2. What is the difference between an indentured servant and a slave? 3. List the 3 reasons that colonists came to the new world. 4. How did geography influence colonists’ decisions about where to settle & build colonies? 5. Why do you think that by 1776, 2/3 of the population lived no further than 50 miles from the ocean? 6. Which group of colonies were the wealthiest?