HS 167 Test Prep Wednesday 5/23/07; 9:45 – 12:00 Biostat 11/28/2018 HS 167 Test Prep Wednesday 5/23/07; 9:45 – 12:00 Exercise-like problems + M/C questions 2 hours maximum Bring to test Clean formula handouts z and t tables Calculator Pencils Blue book Final exam
5: Intro to confidence intervals & 6: Intro to hypothesis testing Confidence interval for μ, σ known (z procedure) and, σ not known (t procedure) Sample size to estimate μ with margin of error d Hypothesis testing steps Hypothesis statements Test statistic P-value Significance conclusion H0: μ = μ0, σ known (z procedure) and σ not known (t procedure)
7: Paired samples Single-, paired-, independent samples Difference variable DELTA Confidence interval for μd H0: μd = 0 Power of test
8: Independent samples Explanatory (group) variable Response variable Group means and standard deviations Pooled variance and standard error Confidence interval for μ1 − μ2 H0: μ1 − μ2 = 0 (t procedure)
9: Inference about population proportion p Confidence interval for p, plus 4 method Test of H0: p = p0 (z procedure) Sample size to estimate p with margin of error d
9B: Comparing two proportions Risk difference (point estimate) 95% confidence interval for risk difference (plus 4 method) H0: p1 − p2 = 0 (z procedure)