The History of Welfare Ross Tisdell, Brendon Tabofunda, Manuel Garcia, -*Introduce all members of the group* -*Explain our topic and proceed to next slide* Ross Tisdell, Brendon Tabofunda, Manuel Garcia, Damian Pierce
Results of unemployment How it all began Stock Market Crash Results of unemployment -The idea of welfare in the United States, began when the stock market crashed on the 29th of October in 1929. -As more and more people got unemployed Roosevelt decided it was time to give the poor financial aid. -With the help of the Social Security Act, they were able to establish a new welfare system, in which the federal government gave one-third amount to people who were under 16 (because they were unable to provide for themselves till they are older). It also guaranteed money for old people or someone in need.
Why they decided to help the poor Poor Families Assist poor -Many of the studies showed that 20% of children were not healthy and had poor nutrition. -Also, 18 million people overall, were suffering from poor living environments. -Didn't want to recreate the British poor laws, which we will cover later
Financial support given to people in need What is Welfare? Financial support given to people in need Gives little to no income families a source of income Welfare is a system that keeps families with very little income on their feet. It gives these families a chance to provide for their families with some type of money rather than living on the streets. Every month these families would receive a check that they would use for the basic every day necesitites. The goal was to give them a chance to get their lives back on track and be able to have the resources to find a job and create their own opportunities. The government had control of the welfare program for 61 years, until Americans were upset because they believed some people were abusing the system. Bill Clinton gave the welfare program back to the states because of these complaints.
Distinction of the poor Status of the citizens Poorhouses The British Poor Laws Distinction of the poor Status of the citizens Poorhouses -At this time, people were categorized into 3 groups. -There were the vagrant, the worthy, and the unworthy. -The local government had the power to raise taxes and build poorhouses, overall they were able to distinguish between the poor. -Someone who has not followed the rules or has refused to work, could be put in jail. -Poorhouses were a refuge for those who couldn't find work, here they were able to
The Beginnings of the Welfare System Franklin Roosevelt The Three R's Roosevelt's First Term as president Franklin Roosevelt had much attention on the unemployed in the United States and wanted to give aid to the ones that were poor. His first terms president Roosevelt put emphesis on helping the poor He mainly focused on what historians call " the three R's," which expressed relief, recovery, and reform.
The Great Depression How its tied in Roosevelts efforts Spot in history -Welfare was tied in with the Great Depression because many people were unemployed - Franklin D. Roosevelt was working on trying to repair the economy and was trying to help as many civilians with the idea of federal aid for poor children and dependent people. -In 1930s the welfare system was finally established in American history.
WORKS CITED Northwest Justice Project. "Welfare Fraud. What you need to know." 4 Sep, 2014 Historical. Decentralization. The 1935 Social Security Act (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 4 Sept. 2014.