Primary Executive Headteacher (PEH) provision Residential 2: Developing the role of executive head: building capacity, managing change Day 1 An executive agency of the Department for Education
Aims The aims of Residential 2 are to ensure participants: • share the learning from their visits and individual action research • explore the opportunities created by multi-school settings and the complexities of managing change • understand the value of shared leadership and effective self-management
Day 1 Day 2 • Session 1: What have we learnt about executive headship? • Session 2: Speaker session: school business manager • Session 3: Building leadership capacity and innovation across more than one school • Session 4: What does the research say? Day 2 • Review/preview • Session 1: Progress on action research • Session 2: Managing change across more than one school • Session 3: Strategies for self-management • Session 4: Speaker panel
Session 1: What have we learnt about executive headship? The purpose of session 1 is to: • share experience from school visits • explore the use of an organisation model to analyse multi-school settings and various models of leadership • identify learning points in relation to the role of the executive head
Activity: Discussion and preparation? Revisit your completed proforma and choose the areas that proved most significant in your visit. For example: • strategy • governance • leadership structures • teaching and learning • staff development • deployment of staff
Activity: Key themes • What was particularly interesting or challenging about the role of the executive headteacher and the way the multi-school setting operated? • What new insights have you gained? • What potential did you see for further development?
Session 2: Speaker session: school business manager Drawing on your notes from the pre-reading and the speaker session, consider the following: how could a school business manager ensure greater efficiencies and enhance leadership capacity in your current context?
Summary Working in pairs, discuss the following questions: • Which elements of your role can be shared and with whom? • What support will be needed from you? • What new roles might be created within your structure? • What experiences, such as working within a network, might support staff development? • What other resources might be used to build capacity?
Session 4: What does the research say? The aim of session 4 is to: • review examples of national and international practice through the use of case studies and research papers • begin to build a deeper understanding of the executive headteacher role
Activity: Implications for practice What implications can you draw from the research for your own practice?
Primary Executive Headteacher (PEH) provision Residential 2: Developing the role of executive head: building capacity, managing change Day 2 An executive agency of the Department for Education
Final web conference The purpose of the final web conference is to: • share learning with colleagues • demonstrate the impact of the programme on your own practice • mark completion of the programme
Preparation for final web conference (2) Structure of your presentation (no more than 10 slides): • Focus of activity • Aims • Action you took • Outcomes • Your learning points
Session 2: Managing change across more than one school The purpose of session 2 is to: • highlight the complexity of change across more than one organisation • share strategies for enhancing stakeholder commitment use a change planning tool
Stakeholder mapping tool
Activity: Working up an example using the stakeholder mapping tool • Use the stakeholder mapping tool to work up your own example of a live change issue. • This should be a change you are leading across more than one school or institution.
Activity (continued) Key questions • What does the analysis suggest about where your time and attention should be deployed? • Are there obvious links that need to be further developed? • Where are the main obstacles to change? • How might you minimise these influences whilst enhancing the positive energy available?
Session 3: Strategies for self-management How am I going to lead others if I am not in good enough shape myself?
Activity: Challenges of time management • What do you see as the most pressing demands within your role? • What strategies have you found most effective in managing your time and energy to date? • How might you create more thinking spaces to support your leadership in the future?
Healthy selfishness • Know your limits • Ensure the necessary personal support at work • Pay attention to your feelings • Have people to talk to • Develop thinking spaces
Final session: reflections • What have you gained from these two days? • What will your next steps be professionally after your experience on the programme?