Empowering Enhancing Evolving To SCITT or not to SCITT? Empowering Enhancing Evolving
Strategic outreach Deputy Head Teacher, Bishop Rawstorne CE Academy Director of Teaching School School Direct Programme Leader Assistant Headteacher, Specialisms and Strategic Partnerships Training School Manager, Leading Edge Co-ordinator Language College Manager Currently supporting 3 secondary schools in leadership and management, strategic development and self-evaluation and review
SCITT and School Direct The time commitment Financial commitment Capacity to deliver Do not be dazzled by the £9000 Ofsted
Our strategic partnerships now go well beyond accepting ITT placements and encompass an aspiration to be a key partner in training the teachers of tomorrow whilst also working together in developing innovative CPD programmes and leading a shared programme and delivery of school-to-school improvement. Our partnerships have a vibrant energy that is built upon the premise that working together and channelling our creativity and spirit of innovation are the key factors in our mutual growth, the academic excellence of our students and the constant development of our respective staffs.
What do we stand for? Innovative and creative practice Sustained, impact measurable strategic partnership All staff as leaders with outstanding opportunities for professional development An aspiration and commitment to excellence for all of our staff and students A continued striving to further develop an outstanding educational establishment that is committed fully to meeting the individual needs of all of its students regardless of their ability within a caring, supportive environment
Case Study 1 Building the brand, doing it right
Case Study 2 Setting out the ground rules. Maintaining your integrity
The Business Model Unpredictable recruitment numbers Annual changes to criteria Upfront and long-term investment-will we break even? Potential instability in partnerships Will SCITTs and School Direct be around in 2020? Governance KPIs, auditing, risk management Quality Assurance
Licensing Training the trainers Administration UCAS Research MA/MSc A saturated market Capacity to deliver beyond the classroom-business, marketing, HR, legal, insurance etc. Contract law Bad debt retrieval Competiton
Case Study 3 Designate to deploy Grow your own, grow others Do not outgrow your capacity to deliver
SCITT-The Benefits Leadership Development Talent Management Enhancing capacity Improved outcomes for all students Recognition of impact by Ofsted
SCITT-The Benefits Breaking the glass ceiling Positive role-modelling Getting a buzz Try before you buy Secondments
But............................ Do not overstretch yourself Do not take your eyes off the core business Listen, be humble, be sensitive Do not expect to be loved, respected, welcome or wanted