Which is the odd one out?
Aristotle and the Soul evaluation
Learning outcomes To be able to critically evaluate Plato’s ideas on body and soul. To be able to compare and contrast Aristotle’s views on body and soul with Plato’s.
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) Russell explained the debate between Plato and Aristotle using a game of football. Football could not exist if there were no footballers, likewise redness could not exist as a property if there were no red objects. If we consider the idea of Beauty, Plato would argue that beauty exists as a form even without beautiful things. For Aristotle, beauty is a property of beautiful objects. Without beautiful things there would be no beauty. Note: It looks like Russell supports him however remember he rejects the idea of a final cause!
Support of Aristotle’s concept of the soul? It is possible to base a theory of life after death on a monistic position. John Hick refers to humans as a ‘psycho-physical unity’ where body and soul are one. God makes it possible for this psycho-physical unity to survive death. Resurrection theories are monistic too, as they refer to God bringing the soul-body back to life. St. Paul writes the following in 1 Corinthians 15, which indicates that the body-soul are raised back to life by God in a transformed spiritual state.
Inconsistent? Aristotle’s concept of the soul has been criticised as being inconsistent by Anthony Kenny. This is as Aristotle’s writings on whether the soul survives death are unclear. Sometimes he argues that intellectual thought could be separated from the soul. However this contradicts with his other work.
‘Belief in a soul is a category mistake’ Gilbert Ryle (1900-76) ‘Belief in a soul is a category mistake’ In ‘The Concept of Mind’ (1949), he argued that the idea of the soul, which he described as "The ghost in the machine" was “A category mistake". He argued that it was a mistake in incorrect use of language. It resulted to people speaking of the mind and body as different phenomena as if the soul was something identifiably extra within a person. 1) He used the example of someone watching a cricket game and asking where the team spirit was. 2) He also used the example of the a visitor being given a tour of Oxford University. They meet the lecturers, see the library and see the colleges etc. However they still ask ‘Where is the university?’
Read the article on Aristotle’s concept of the soul Make a Popplet on his concept of the soul using the notes to help. Next steps: Scan the QR code and add any missing detail to your mind map. Stretch yourself task: Add your own opinion on his view.
Evaluation zig-zag Complete the zig-zag in your notes. Zig-zag from arguments that support and criticise Aristotle’s concept of the soul. For Against Stretch yourself: To reach a better A02 grade you must always link your arguments. E.g. However Ryle would disagree with Plato because….. For Against
Think, pair, share A: Explain Russell’s football game analogy. B: How does Hick develop Aristotle’s views? A: Why does Kenny argue Aristotle is inconsistent? B:What does the term ‘Category Mistake’ mean?