Twelve Ordinary Men Changed by One Extra-Ordinary Savior Lesson 6: Twelve Ordinary Men Changed by One Extra-Ordinary Savior Nathanael – No Guile
The Twelve Peter Andrew James John Philip Nathanael Thomas Matthew James A. Thaddeus Simon Judas I.
What do you know of Nathanael? Nathanael – God has given Bartholemew – Son of Tolmai. Nathanael Bar-Tolmai. Jn 1:45-51 – Brought by Philip. From Cana – Jn 21:2. Fished with Peter and Co. – Jn 21:1-3.
Nathanael and Scripture Jn 1:45 – Truth must have mattered to him. Philip knew that his news would motivate Nathanael. Note what Philip did not say. Joshua Bar-Joseph of Nazareth.
Nathanael and Prejudice Jn 1:46. Can anything good come from Nazareth? Could have referred to Micah 5:2. Civic rivalry between Cana and Nazareth? 1 Cor 1:27.
Prejudice Cuts people off from truth. Why many Jews rejected Jesus. Jn 7:52. Lk 4:22-24. Types of prejudice. 2 Cor 4:3-4. “Come and see” destroys prejudice.
Nathanael & Sincerity Jn 1:47 – No guile or no deceit. An honest person – pure in heart. Not hypocritical. Rom 2:28-29. Sinless – NO! An honest disciple.
Nathanael and Faith 1:48-51. Are you flattering me. Jesus’ omniscience. Saw you in study and prayer under the tree. All it took – Jn 20:30-31.
Next Apostles Matthew & Thomas