“Truth and Consequences”


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Presentation transcript:

“Truth and Consequences” (Acts 5:12-42)

“Truth and Consequences” (Acts 5:12-42) In this account we see four different responses to God’s truth being preached; responses we still see today. As we go through, consider these responses and learn to respond the way in which God desires.

The Sanhedrin: Attacking the truth (Acts 5:17-28)

The Sanhedrin: Attacking the truth (Acts 5:17-28) Some today will bitterly oppose the truth as it is revealed in God’s word to the point of attacking the very truth itself! It’s a sad commentary on our part if we know that there is sin in our life that needs to be dealt with, we know what God has to say about correcting the problem, but we defy following through with His solution to the problem.

The Apostles: Affirming the truth (Acts 5:29-32)

The Apostles: Affirming the truth (Acts 5:29-32) Instead of backing down, Peter repeated the very core of the message the Sadducees hated so much. The message angered the Pharisees also because it placed the blame for the death of the Savior squarely upon their shoulders. We must affirm the facts; and strive to stand firm in what God has revealed in connection with where the recipients of the message stand with God.

Gamaliel: Avoiding the truth (Acts 5:33-39)

Gamaliel: Avoiding the truth (Acts 5:33-39) Gamaliel encouraged neutrality when the council was facing a life and death issue that demanded decision. Jesus made it clear that it is impossible to be neutral about Him and His message (Matthew 12:30). It is significant that the first group named among those who go to hell will be “the cowardly” (Revelation 21:8), the people who knew the truth but were afraid to make their stand.

The Faithful: Announcing the truth (Acts 5:40-42)

The Faithful: Announcing the truth (Acts 5:40-42) The opposition of men is what the Lord has said His servants can expect (Mt 5:10-12), and it is actually a privilege to suffer for His name (Phil 1:29). They taught and preached “daily”... This meant that they took advantage of teaching opportunities -- no matter where they were.

“Truth and Consequences” (Acts 5:12-42) In this account we’ve seen four different responses to God’s truth being preached; responses we still see today. While studying, have we considered these responses and learned to respond the way in which God desires?

What type of responses to the Lord’s Word are you putting to action? Attacking the truth? Affirming the truth? Avoiding the truth? Announcing the truth?

What type of responses to the Lord’s Word are you putting to action? Only those sinners who obey God will receive salvation from sin (Matthew 7:21; Hebrews 5:9).  This divinely-required obedience includes these actions... You must hear/read the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:14, 17). You must believe in Jesus Christ (Acts 16:30-33). You must repent of all of your past sins (Acts 17:30-31). You must confess your faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 8:35-37). You must be baptized (immersed in water) into Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38; 22:16). After becoming saved, you must live a faithful/righteous life to remain saved (1 Timothy 4:16; 1 John 1:7).

“Truth and Consequences” (Acts 5:12-42)