THE EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES IN TAIWAN Li-Yu Tang1, Ciao-Yei Chen2 Huey-Jane Lee3, Ming-Jang Chiu4 1.Secretary General 2.Social Worker 3.Deputy Secretary General 4.President Taiwan Alzheimer’s Disease Association 2012 ADI Conference London
Since 2004 TADA The needs of people with mild dementia and their family caregivers A pilot project School of Wisdom Support group for PWD Activity group for PWD Family support group Response positively ~ 2007
THE EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES PROJECT2008-2011 Funding from Ministry of Interior Goals Facilitate early detection and diagnosis of dementia in the community. Develop services for people with mild dementia and their family caregivers
Cooperation Organization The Project Basic training Advanced training Practice supervision Recruit TADA Volunteers training Care workers Volunteers Cooperation Organization Raising awareness Community screening Early diagnosis School of Wisdom (Early detection) (Early intervention)
Volunteers Training 6 courses 482 volunteers Training Course (2days) 1.Early diagnosis and treatment of dementia 2.Early detection of mild dementia and cognitive function assessment. 3.The communication with people with mild dementia 4.The psychological reaction of people with mild dementia 5.The Psychological reaction and adjustment of family caregivers of people with mild dementia 6.Health promotion and care of people with mild dementia 6 courses 482 volunteers
Community Screening AD8 was chosen as the tool for dementia screening in community -2008~2011: 5,951 meters were completed -Result <2point: 68.83% ≧2point: 31.17%
Training courses for care worker Basic Training (2 days) Content Recognize mild dementia Assessment of cognitive function Early detection of dementia Psychosocial reaction and adaptation of people with mild dementia and their families Introduction of health promotion of dementia Practice of therapeutic group for mild dementia Education & support services for family caregivers 5 courses / 351 trainees
Training courses for care worker Advanced Training Cognitive stimulation Music therapy Reminiscence therapy Art therapy (2 days workshop for each program) 9 courses Qualifications:49 group facilitators
Manual of early intervention for people with dementia Content 1.Early intervention strategy 2.Dementia screening tools 3.Clinic transfer guidelines 4.School of Wisdom 5.Preparation for the group 6.Individual counseling 7.Family support services
Web Site - School of Wisdom
School of Wisdom Session: 2 hours/week * 12 sessions Group size: ≦10 PWD/ group Programs Cognitive stimulation Music therapy Reminiscence therapy Art therapy Exercise group Choir
School of Wisdom Served more than 21,000 person-times (2008-2011)
12 cities 27 organizations School of Wisdom in Taiwan TADA TAIPEI-5 南港老服、信義老服、士林老服、仁愛醫院、龍山老服 New Taipei -3 主顧修女會、雙連安養中心、恩主公醫院 Changhua -3 切膚之愛基金會 彰基鹿基分院 慈光護理之家 Hsinchu -2 寧園、老五老基金會 Taoyuan -3 長庚失智中心、健忘天使協會、桃園榮家 Taitung -1 台東縣失智者關懷協會 Hualien -1 東區老人之家 Chiayi -1 嘉基附設護理之家 Tainan -3 老吾老養護中心、悠然安養中心、悠然安養中心、熱蘭遮協會 Pingtung -2 署立屏東醫院、屏東失智症協會 Kaohsiung -2 高雄仁愛之家、高雄失智症協會 Taichung -1 照顧者關懷協會 TADA 12 cities 27 organizations
2007 - 2011 four years Outcomes Wide distribution in Taiwan Increased the volume of services Increased the ability of care workers Positive feedback from the users
Feedback - Volunteers Better understanding of dementia More concerned about the people around Helping friends and relatives getting early diagnosis Providing information to people in need The sense of accomplishment of helping people
Feedback- Cooperation organizations Willing to maintain the partnership Feeling worthy to involve in Affirming the service is essential and necessary Providing more services
Feedback – People with dementia Feel “confident” Feel “happy” Feel more “clear” Feel “helpful” Need more course
Feedback – Family caregivers Feel “hope” Feel “not alone” Feel “happy” “Service is not only in Taipei”
The support from government The Minister of Interior had promised to set up “School of Wisdom” in every city in Taiwan Dementia early intervention program became a priority of subsidy. The press release of MOI
Develop Multiplication service Present & Future Community Community awareness Early detection Community service Friendly community Family PWD Early intervention Resources available Improve the quality of life Cooperation Maintain Energy Constant service Partnership TADA Research Improve quality Promotion Develop Multiplication service
Thank for your attention MAKE EARLY INTERVENTION POSSIBLE Thank for your attention