The architecture of PAL16R8
The architecture of PAL16R8
Comparison Between ROM,PLA and PAL The Decoder(or AND array) implements all minterms The AND array implements a limited no of Product terms AND array is not programmable AND array is programmable OR array is programmable OR array is not programmable Additional inputs doubles the size of AND array Additional inputs does not require doubling of size It can implement SOP with any no of terms It can implement SOP with limited no of terms Costlier than PAL Cheaper than PLA Least flexible Extremely flexible Moderate flexible
Sequential Programmable Logic Devices (SPLDs) AND-OR Array (PAL or PLA) Flip-Flops Inputs Outputs
Sequential Programmable Logic Devices (SPLDs) PLDs consists of only gates. So only combinational circuit design is possible SPLDs includes both gates and flip-flops. So sequential circuit design is possible SPLDs are commercially avaible and vendor specific variant within each type SPLDs includes flip-flops within the IC in addition to the AND-OR array In SPLDs outputs can be taken from OR gates or from Flip-Flops
Sequential Programmable Logic Devices (SPLDs) Field Programmable Logic Sequencer(FPLS) is the first SPLD In SPLDs the flip-flops can be programmed to operate either JK or D Flip-Flop Typical SPLD uses PAL together with D Flip-Flop The PAL with Flip-Flops is referred as Registered PAL The each section of SPLD is called as “Macrocell” Macrocell consists AND-OR combinational logic function and optional Flip-Flop
Macrocell CLK OE I/P O/P MUX
The D Flip-Flop is edge triggered and changes state on clock edge Macrocell The D Flip-Flop is edge triggered and changes state on clock edge The output of Flip-Flop is connected to Mux which is controlled by OE signal The output of Flip-Flop is fed back to the input of the AND array Typical SPLD has 8 to 10 Macrocells within one IC
Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) I/O BLOCK I/O BLOCK Programmable Interconnect Fabric PLD PLD PLD
Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) Digital system design requires several PLDs CPLD is a collection of individual PLDs on a single IC CPLD consists multiple PLDs interconnected through Programmable Interconnect Fabric IO Block provides connections to the IC Each IO pin can be programmed to act as input or output Each individual PLD contains typically 8-16 Macrocells PIF directs the input to the individual Macrocell and similarly sent to output
Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) All Macrocells are fully connected. So the unused product term of one Macrocell can be used by near by Macrocell Different CPLD vendors ALTERA AMD Mach 1-5 Xilinx XC 9500 Lattice and Cypress The most commonly used CPLDs are ALTERA MAX 7000 Series and Xilinx XC 9500
Altera MAX 7000 series CPLD PIA Progr ammable Interconnect Array LAB macrocells I/O B L O C K macrocells I/O B L O C K macrocells macrocells I/O B L O C K I/O B L O C K
MAX 7000 CPLDs are high speed, low power and low cost devices Altera MAX 7000 series CPLD MAX 7000 CPLDs are high speed, low power and low cost devices MAX 7000 CPLDs uses CMOS technology EEPROM memory cell MAX 7000 consists array of Logic Array Blocks Programmable Interconnect Array Programmable I/O Blocks Each LAB has 36 inputs, 16 outputs and contains 16 Macrocells
PIA establishes connectivity between multiple LABs and I/O pins Altera MAX 7000 series CPLD PIA establishes connectivity between multiple LABs and I/O pins I/O block establishes connectivity between I/O pins, PIA and LABs GCLK and GCLRn connected to all macrocells OE1n and OE2n connected to all I/O blocks to enable outputs LAB outputs can be programmed to route from LAB to I/O pins Outputs can be programmed to route from I/O block to PIA
Altera MAX 7000 Macrocell
Altera MAX 7000 series CPLD